Meeting a sadden princess

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It's been three hours after I left Tex's home, and I've been threatened by some imps, offered some service, and almost killed by some cannibals.

Things have been difficult for me to defend myself, since I didn't have my steel threads, I was forced to do hand combat.

I'm not one to brag, but I took many martial arts, street fighting and MMA. But it wasn't enough, I had to run away, from some gangs that had guns.

I may be an assassin, but I know when I can't win a battle. And there is no shame in running away. Right now, I was hiding in a ally after running away from a gang.

"Shit, I lost him, anyone saw where he went?" Said a voice.

"How the fuck should I know? I was busy on not getting stab." Said another, I then heard a third set of footsteps arrive, and soon heard sniffing.

I began to panic and started to run. I then heard some shouts and started to run faster, I heard some shooting behind me, and some bullets barley missed me.

I then saw that the ally had a dead end, but I just grinned. 'Even though my clothes have changed, the type of shoes I have didn't.'

As I was about to run up on the wall, a bullet scratched the side of my face. I winced from the pain and nearly fell, but I was able to balance myself and continue to run.

"Shit, just missed him." One of them shouted.

"Well, it don't matter. Its a dead end." Said the second.

"I don't, give two shits on what you want, but I'm gonna enjoy ridding him." Said the last, and by luck it was a female. 'I'm just glad that if I do get raped, it's not a dick going in my ass.'

As I was about to crash against the wall, I jumped onto the wall. and wall jumped until I got to the top. I looked down and saw the two imps and a hellhound, looking at me in shock.

"You two can rob someone else." I pointed to the two imps, then I pointed to the hellhound.

"And you, no horny." I then pulled out a bat and a marker and wrote the words on the bat, NO HORNY. I then tossed the bat and ran away.

I heard a bonk from behind me and heard the whimpers of a dog. 'Not my fault, your the one who's horny.'

I continued to walk on the roof and saw a large building, but on he building I saw a balcony that had a woman with white skin and had two red circles on the side of her mouth, her hair was blond and tied into a long ponytail.

I couldn't see what she had so I made my way to see what she was wearing and try to cheer her up.

I made my way to the side of the building and started to climb, luckily who ever built this made some makeshift stairs towards the balcony. As I finally reached the balcony, I was able to see what she was wearing.

She wore a red suit and pants, with a white shirt underneath. I was stunned to see on how beautiful she was that I couldn't move. I then noticed that her eyes were yellow. I then noticed she was gripping the railing.

 I then noticed she was gripping the railing

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