...𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝙷𝚘𝚠 𝙷𝚎 𝚂𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚍 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚖

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Xiao froze as he closed the fourth book. Like all of the ones that had come before it, this one followed another of your lives almost exactly. The situation, the dialogue; everything had been exactly the same.

He remembered so well the day he had saved you in the Chasm; how could he ever forget? He'd heard you call for him, and that had been enough of a surprise already. But to then find you dangling in the mouth of a monster had nearly made him have a heart attack.

But how did the author know about all of that? Even if they'd thoroughly done their research on the history of Liyue and the Adepti, there was no way they could have known about him or you; much less the specifics of your past lives.

The books even followed the same order as the lives you'd lived, and frankly, it was beginning to scare him. He was worried someone had gotten this information on you both and might be using it with bad intentions. That, or someone in his past who knew about your shared situation had published them without consulting him first.

His mind was racing at all the possibilities about how this author could have known so much. He'd never told your stories to anyone, so there was no way those who weren't Adepti could have found out unless one of the others told them.

He wanted to rule out the idea that this could even be another coincidence, given everything, but a part of him urged his mind to calm down.

After all, these books didn't seem to be harmful at this point. Aside from how disgusting it would be for someone to create stories like this about you and him for the sake of their own profit, there wasn't anything wrong with them otherwise. Plus, since he didn't know who the author was, he couldn't assume they had malicious intentions yet.

He couldn't go accusing the other Adepti of something they likely wouldn't have ever done, knowing how painful his past was, without any proof. It would only cause unnecessary conflict for everyone involved.

The best thing for him to do right now was look into whether or not the trend continued. The traveler had said this writer made more than ten books in the series, so if it was, by some miracle, a coincidence, they couldn't all match your past lives.

But if they did...He wasn't sure what to think. he wouldn't even know where to begin if he had to track down this author; much less what to do when he found them.

When he picked up the next book though, he could already feel his nerves worsen. The title didn't give him much confidence that it would differ from the trend, considering your fifth self had also been a sailor.

Taking a deep breath, he slowly opened it and turned to the first page. If this one was also about you, then he needed to know the truth.

He just hoped that whoever was doing this had good intentions, and that there was a logical explanation as to why it was happening.

Otherwise, he worried for both of your sakes.


A/n: I'm sorry this one was so short! I'll try to make the next few a little beefier, but I didn't want to draw it out when it didn't need to be. After all, the focus of this book is supposed to be the oneshots/lives you lived anyway.

Also starting next week this book will be getting updates twice a week!

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