𝑃𝑎𝑔𝑒 12: 𝐴 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑒 (Part 1)

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You walked towards Shinobu as fiercely as you could. There you stood face to face with a demon slayer. Shinobu only glared at you with her purple life-less eyes.

Akria ran towards you and Shinobu and attempted to push you back. Akria is lucky that you have such a soft spot for her.  So you stepped back and let Akria become the wall that separated you from the stuck-up demon slayer.  She faced Shinobu whose eyes were only focused on yours.

"Shinobu! You promised!"

After a few moments, Shinobu sighed and broke away the eye contact

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After a few moments, Shinobu sighed and broke away the eye contact. She stared at Akria- no sounds were made just eye contact. From this angle, you couldn't help but assume they were telepathically speaking to each other or something. Shinobu walked over to the table and read over the notes Akria had written while she was away.

So it was that easy? If you knew that being nice to Shinobu's minions could've granted you these privileges then you would've done it sooner! The only sound in the room was Shinobu's nails tapping against the metal table. She was intently reading the information which kind of creeped you out. It was like staring at a deranged psychiatrist.

You lowered your mouth to Akria's ear and whispered, "Why are we waiting here? This is awkward." Akria elbowed you, and flashed a look that said 'shut up.' Wow, Shinobu is so smart that she needs silence to be able to read. Come on!

You decided you weren't going to sit and watch Shinobu, so you turned around and headed towards your cell. Being in the cell was much better then looking at Shinobu.

"So- you were mute for a few weeks and then now that you have someone to baby you—you decided to cooperate. Is that right Y/N?"

Her silky voice and her backhanded words didn't go together. You stopped and faced Shinobu, "No. That's not right at all." You balled your hands into fists. This bitch.

"Then what is it that changed your demeanor?"

Akria looked back in forth at the two of you. She was getting nervous at the growing tension.
"It was the fact that someone actually treated me like I'm a person! Not like I'm some experiment without thoughts or feelings."

Shinobu rested her cheek on the palm of her hand, "But you see Y/N. You are an experiment. You always will be. As long as your a demon- there's no way you should expect people to treat you as a human."
Her words cut like a knife, but it won't phase you. You won't give up!

You were about to speak until Shinobu interrupted you. "Here is a fact that you need to understand Y/N." She stood up from her seat and walked over to you. The position was the same as before—eyes staring intensely at one another.

"Thinking like a human, doesn't take away the fact that you are still a demon. In my demon slaying career, I've seen and killed a variety of demons. Some looked like mutated animals and others looked like monsters that a child would cry to their parents about. But here's the thing Y/N, demons- including you all have one goal."

Akria spoke, "Shinobu maybe you should tell—"
Shinobu continued anyways, "And that is to serve your master. Muzan." Your eyes widened, it's been a while since you've remembered Muzan's memories. You've forgotten about him and your plan since the day you came here.

"And that brings me to my next discussion. I was very... very hesitant about letting Akria try her hypothesis with you. Forming a bond with a demon isn't.. possible. Even though an instance like that has already occurred- I was still skeptical. But since you passed I suppose I could tell the girls to go a bit easier on you."

Akria jumped up and down, "You see Y/N! Isn't that great!" Wait, so Akria was only being nice to you... in order to confirm one of her... hypotheses?

"No not really. Akria you would've treated me like the others right? If it weren't for your brilliant idea?" You emphasized those last words, "You were only nice to me to see if it would benefit you!"

Akria's shoulders slumped- "No! I was genuine! I hated—"
"Whatever! Cut the crap. You scientists are all crazy!"
You were about to walk to your cell until someone pushed you against the wall. Your neck was inches away from touching a knife covered in wisteria. Oh that's going to be painful.

Shinobu inched the knife closer and closer, "Don't you dare talk to my subordinate that way! Stop being ungrateful! Your lucky I'm letting you have this much freedom! If it weren't for her nagging and practically begging me to have mercy on you. You would've been laying down on that metal table with no limbs and demon blood pouring  out of you!"

Akria ran towards Shinobu and rested a hand on her shoulder. "Shinobu- it's fine. I will explain to Y/N- I know she won't hurt me." Shinobu turned her head towards Akria- her hold on you never wavering. "You don't know that Akria! She's a demon! You've seen what they do. They change in an instant."

Akria sighed then looked at you pleadingly. You were angry, but Akria was someone you considered a friend. Even if it wasn't... real. Maybe you shouldn't assume. Maybe there is more to the story then you know. Maybe you should listen.

You looked in Shinobu's eyes, sincerity in your tone. "Shinobu- let me prove to you that I'm worthy of your trust."


Hey guys! So a sad announcement!! Since school is starting back up again, I might be unable to update... like at all. I will try though!! I have several stories going on right now, but my most active ones are on AO3. If you are interested in reading those feel free to check out my account in my profile page!

Anyways! I'm grateful for those of you who continue to read the story! Your messages are huge motivators! Thank you for reading guys!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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