𝑃𝑎𝑔𝑒 6: 𝑅𝑒𝑙𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒

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"Place her here, I'll handle the rest."

The girl dragged Shinobu to the hammock you once laid on. With a struggle, she managed to place Shinobu and cover her injured body with large leaves. You looked around for anything that could be of use. Fortunately, in the forest, that was a piece of cake.

The young girl frantically started making a fire, the darkness of the night was slowly swallowing the blue sky whole. You stared down at Shinobu, now would be the perfect moment to kill her and the girl. No one would hurt or be following you anymore.... There were so many reasons that provoked you to lift your claws and slash Shinobu's neck.

Yet you couldn't bring yourself to do it.

Something nipped at you, perhaps it was instincts, but you felt Shinobu wasn't who she portrayed to be

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Something nipped at you, perhaps it was instincts, but you felt Shinobu wasn't who she portrayed to be. Inside, you felt she was sad and angry about life. You couldn't blame her, life was indeed unfair. However, her life circumstances shouldn't be an excuse for her actions towards humans and demons.

"Um- Mam-"

You were snapped out of your thoughts when the young girl's voice brought you back to reality. You blankly stared at her, what did she want now? "I just realized I don't know your name. Mine is Nakaya Asa, what's yours?"

"It's L/N Y/N"

Asa's eyes widened, "Oh my.. your the demon Shinobu was testing on!" Asa stepped away from you and cowardly hid behind the laying Shinobu. You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms, this girl. "Stop doing that. If I wanted to kill you, I would've done so already."

Asa nodded her head, "Your right, but why are you doing this. Shinobu showed no mercy towards you."
You thought for a moment, why were you doing this? Was it some kind of savior-complex or the idea of having control over the weak? You stared at the ground with wide eyes, to any normal person, this action was extremely unsettling.

"Um- Y/N?"

"I did it to prove that not all demons are hurtful to human kind. I did it to prove my point to Shinobu, if she is smart, maybe she will change her ways and not assume that all demons are bad."

Asa hummed in response, she looked down at Shinobu who was currently knocked out by sleep. "I don't think she will change, Shinobu has been through a lot. Most of her trauma has been because of demons."

You sat down besides the two of them, after this little chat, you might have to rest in higher ground. Who knows, Shinobu might kill you if you lay here with Asa.  "I see. Humans have done the same to me yet you don't see me hating every human in the world. "

Asa yawned, "I know, but Shinobu is a complex and unpredictable individual, so I'm not sure how she'll react." Asa laid down besides Shinobu, "when are you going to sleep?"

"I don't."


Shinobu's eyes slowly opened, she quickly stood up and called for Asa. There was silence. She ran while calling her name, hoping for a response.

"Asa! Asa! Where are you, Asa!"

Shinobu suddenly fell, she felt like there were knives digging into her lungs. "I wouldn't over work yourself, Shinobu."

Her eyes widened, she can recognize that voice from anywhere. She looked back and saw the one and only Y/N. The worried expression on her face was quickly replaced with anger and bloodlust.
"What..... did....you... do!" She reached in the direction of her sword, but luckily for you, you removed it whenever she was asleep.

"You little invasive species who serves no purpose in this world! What did you do to me and Asa!?"

Wow, what a depressing way to curse at someone without actually cursing. You raised your hands up, "Nothing Shinobu, I did nothing, now please relax and let me explain."

"No! I won't! I know your little tricks, now tell me where she is now!"

Shinobu was seconds away from lunging at you and clawing your face out. How can you explain a harmless situation to someone who doesn't want to listen?

"She went to get more reinforcements."

"Why? Why, did she leave me here with you!"

"Because I gave her a reason to trust me! I also trust her, I know she isn't going to put me back into your care, she went so they can carry you out of here."

Shinobu still remained seated on the ground, her whole body hurt, but the anger inside of her was telling her to suck it up and punch you in the face.

"Ok. Now what are we supposed to do?"

"Well, your supposed to be resting, but instead your arguing with me. Close your eyes, I won't bite."

"Shut it."


𝓗𝓮𝓻 𝓞𝓷𝓵𝔂 𝓔𝔁𝓬𝓮𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora