Queen Bee/Darla's Struggles

Start from the beginning

"I hope not!" Rose walked up to Darla while Margot and Kurumi stayed behind.

"Oh! Rose! It's nice to see you again!" Darla immediately walked up to her. Her friends stood awkwardly behind her.

"I didn't think you would remember me." Rose replied.

Darla chuckled awkwardly, "Let's go on a little walk, shall we?" She placed her hand on Rose's shoulder and they started to slowly walk away from the others.

"What just happened?" Kelly asked.

"Fuck Darla. I'm gonna find Mindy." Jessica walked away.

Bubbles and the blonde exchanged glances. "Who's that girl Darla's gone with?" Bubbles asked. The blonde shrugged.

"Are you okay, Darla?" Rose asked.

Darla placed her hand on her forehead. "I don't know what I'm doing." She stopped walking.


Darla sighed. "You know how I've been trying to change for the better?" Rose nodded. "Well I'm trying to earn my fame back...at least at this school. I'm trying to become popular! And it worked. Maybe a little too well."

"What do you mean?"

"It's a whole paparazzi, Rose! These girls won't leave me alone! Kelly and Jessica--they're not my friends. I don't even like them! But I'm too scared to tell them to leave. They're too much. But you and my real friends, Bubbles and Tanya, are down to earth."

"So you're saying some people are just hanging out with you because you're popular?"

"Yes! They don't even try to become friends with me! They just follow me around like dogs. How do I get them to go away?"

"Maybe just...tell them?" Rose replied. She wasn't the best at advice, and she certainly didn't know how to tell people a clear 'no'.

"If I do that, don't you think they'll bring up my past?"

"I don't know what else to do! If you don't like them just tell them that you don't wanna hang out with them. That's what I do...but I do find an excuse to seem nicer. But you definitely shouldn't do that! You should be honest. I don't think I am..."

"Be honest? But I'll seem mean."

"Then...maybe try to do it in a more polite way..?"

"Hmm..." Darla thought. "I guess I'll try. But to be honest...Jessica is pretty scary. So is Mindy. But I was more famous than they both ever will be! So HAH!" She laughed proudly. Rose forced a smile. "Y'know, Rose, you should hang out with us sometime! There's just something about you that I find interesting. You're weird, but you're cool. I'm sure Bubbles and Tanya would like you too. And I could make you popular if you wanted."

Rose stared at the ground. "Heh...I don't really want the popularity. But thank you. I do want to be your friend...I know we barely know each other, but...I think you're really cool."

"Well come on then! You can meet my friends." Darla said. So the two of them walked back to Bubbles and Tanya. Darla introduced Rose to them.

"Hi Rose! I'm Bubbles the Powerpuff Girl!" Bubbles waved.

"I'm Tanya." Tanya replied shyly.

"Rose is from the real world. She and her sister are the only humans with the power to go here!" Darla told them.

"Uh..." Rose froze up. What would they think?

Bubble's face lit up. "Really? That's so cool! What's it like in the real world?"

"Oh my goodness! That sounds incredible!" Tanya gasped. Rose laughed.

"It's not as cool as this place." She answered. "Earth isn't really that amazing."

"I don't think this place is that cool because I've been here my whole life. So I'm sure I would find the real world very interesting." Tanya said.

"I guess that makes sense." Rose replied. The four of them continued to talk until recess was over for the 6th graders.

Later on in the day it was 5th period for Cory. She walked into the social studies room and the first person she saw there was Gaz Membrane. She was sitting at her desk playing on her GameSlave. There's one of the girls who wanted to be my friend. Cory thought.

"Hi!" Cory looked up to see a strange woman staring down at her. "You must be the new student! I'm your teacher, Miss Tohru!" She smiled. This woman had horns and glowing orange eyes.

"H-hi." Cory said quietly. She followed the teacher up to her desk.

"Let's see...your name's Cordelia Williams. But you go by Cory. Right now the class is doing a project, but I won't have you do it. So now you can sit anywhere you want around the room! Just come get me if you need anything." Tohru replied.

Cory nodded and turned around. Gaz wasn't working on any project, she was still on her GameSlave. Cory assumed that she was done with the project. She walked over and sat in the empty desk next to Gaz. She didn't look up once from her video game as she spoke: "We meet again Cory."


Author's note: School just started for me so I will be updating way less! There will also be many more chapters coming so stay tuned!

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