"Wait that's Emma?!"

"Isn't she the chick whose elder sister was a vampire town crier?"

"Yes and her boyfriend is also her foster brother, Alistair Goldling "

"What type of last name is Golding anyway?"

"Even if his name was Matt, With a face and body like that he-"

Alistair and Emma could hear the gossip, curses and even praises they were receiving from the cafeteria, They sat in their corner where they could see the entire room, with just the two of them.

"You know these guys are clowns" Emma had been scaring off crowds that wanted to approach her and her mate.

"Hmm?" Alistair noticed and felt something strange.

More students entered through the back door and they looked different all of them in pairs there were six of them.

A blonde-haired girl with a frown on her with a buff male with black hair who was smiling, he looked carefree.

A dirty blonde guy who looked to be in pain and a girl with the same colour of hair looked energetic but her eyes didn't leave her partner's face.

The remaining two didn't have their pair and they walked behind the rest, One of the two was a male who had brown hair and smiled a bit when he passed a brown hair girl's table and the other one was a girl, who had short, Spike brown hair, He wouldn't lie all of them were handsome and beautiful in their own right but why did the last one that girl makes his heart beat faster?

"Rosalie Hale and her partner Emmett Cullen, Jasper Hale and his partner Jasmine Cullen then there's Edward Cullen and Alice Cullen who are both single." Emma snickered she was already a student at the school so she knew about the Cullen family.

Alistair who didn't hide his gaze "Why is Edward glaring at that brown-haired petite girl?"

Emma shrugged "It might be love at first sight like you and me" She hugged his shoulder.

"We aren't dating, Plus our first time meeting wasn't romantic I just asked you for directions" Alistair shut her down she was getting bolder with her advances lately he feared one day he would enter his room and see her waiting for him naked... He wasn't backing down though.

"We aren't dating... yet" Emma shrugged, she could cuddle him anytime she wanted that was progress.

Emma now noticed Edwin was also glaring at Alistair.

"Why is he staring at you? Is he Gay?" Emma asked and suddenly the entire Cullen table burst into loud laughter except Edward whose glare worsened.

"Hm? I don't swing that way, Tell me more about Alice." Alistair asked as he started directly at her, She blushed not that anyone could see it because she was pale.

Emma didn't think much about the question "She's bubbly, fairy-like and cute, I heard she loved chess." It seemed she held a favourable opinion of the girl.

"This is the only person you've ever spoken highly about since those bakers." Alistair found it weird.

"Well, I used to have a crush on Alice, but I found a bigger fish, And this fish has a bigger dick which I shall enjoy someday, Why are you asking about her anyway? You see what you like?" Emma just admitted she is bisexual, Alistair didn't care about that instead he just nodded "Strangely enough, Yes, I do see what I like."

Alice blushed again, He knew they could hear him, He didn't expect to meet 6 vampires in the school on his first day.

He would make a charm to prevent eavesdropping later.

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