Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: How to tame your Hellhounds

Narrators POV

"And that spot there, Was where your mate tried to kill me"

Emily, Emma and Linda decided to go for a walk, Alistair didn't come because he was working on something they didn't know what but his room was filled with spell runes and pentagram seals so they left without him, Emily decided to take their maid and show her the park where she met Alistair.

"Of course, Alistair interfered and Killed him." Emily chimed, Linda couldn't feel anything for her dead mate anymore; When Alistair realized that a mate in this world was bounded by their souls, She cut off hers and left her alone, Although he didn't tell anyone he could connect and break soulmates, Whether human, Vampire or werewolf, Linda felt something amiss when he did, Her mate who was someone she felt she couldn't live without she could somehow bare the fact he was dead now and it was his fault.

Emma joined in "But I don't get it." She wore black leggings reaching her ankles and blue jean bum shorts on top of it, black boots, wearing a white turtle neck and a jean jacket, She had a tourist vibe around her.

"Why did your 'mate' come after my sister if you were this gorgeous?" Emma asked a question while air-quoting the 'mate' part, Linda couldn't say anything against that, He sometimes abused the fact she loved him unconditionally, One of the only reasons she hadn't committed suicide after his death was to kill Emily once and for all.

"Hey!" Emily didn't know why but that sounded like an insult to her so he pulled on Emma's ear making Emma hiss at her.

"but I believe everything is for a reason, Although your husband was the bargaining chip, Without him, We wouldn't have stayed with Alistair maybe we'd lost him to some emo brown-haired bitch and her cop dad-" Emma was strangely getting more and more detailed with the description, She had no idea it was her precognition ability at work her but she was interrupted by Emily.

"That's enough, You're making her uncomfortable." Emily jumped into Linda's defence since she noticed the vampire was uncomfortable with the way the Kitsune referred to her husband even though she felt nothing for the man, her silence just made it worse since even if Linda wanted to she couldn't truly harm any of the red-haired sisters because they were simply stronger than her, And she couldn't use any of her mind control ability or such against them because of Alistair.

"Why did you bring us to the park?" Emma asked changing the topic instead of apologizing hoping to change the topic would be enough to shift her attention elsewhere.

It seemed it worked as Emily found somewhere for them to sit down and discuss "Oh It is because of Alistair" Emily said.

Emma just raised an eyebrow and let her sister talk "I was wondering If Linda could create fake documents for Alistair so we would enrol him in your school Emma, We know for a fact he never went to school even though he is very smart, School is something he never experienced." Emily told her plans to everyone, She wanted to surprise him by giving him a new experience and she need Linda to help since she had connections it would be easy for her.

Linda couldn't say no,  She knew the number of things Alistair hadn't experienced and sex wasn't the only major thing, But she couldn't say anything or even think about it too deeply because she didn't want to die, Or she felt she didn't,  Even though right now she had no idea what she wanted to live for.

"Oh! Yes! Having him in the same school as me!" Emma started imagining a lot of things in her little head and she was jumping around on her side of the bench in glee "What about those bitches that may try to take what's mine? I'll kill them!" Emma just felt angry at the thought of some random bitch getting in between Alistair's legs before she could, But due to the fact she didn't have proper control of her abilities her blue eyes started glowing and she breathed puffs of blue flames from her nose.

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