"Are we almost there?"

Alfred doesn't respond, tapping his fingers against the steering as I peer out the windshield. A red Toyota is in front of us and Alec's green-blue eyes flit through my mind.

"Are we there yet?" I ask again, smacking my lips together and diverting my gaze from the red truck.


"What's almost? Ten minutes away? Twenty? Thirty? I need specifics, Alfie," I huff, reaching for a peanut butter cup and popping it into my mouth.

"Three hours and forty-five minutes."

"What?" I swallow harshly, coughing and sputtering as I semi choke on the chocolate cup – death by chocolate, what a way to die. Thank you, Jesus!

A hearty laugh fills the interior of the car, Alfred lightly smacking his hand against his thigh. "I'm kidding! Should've seen your expression... priceless."

"Not funny," I smile.

"It was to me. We're nearly at our destination."

I don't respond, looking out the window, skyscrapers greeting me on the horizon as the sun shimmers on the exterior. Exotic trees surround us on either side with an array of magnificent foliage colors ranging from brown, green, red, orange, and yellow. It's my all-time favorite thing about Fall – the colors.

I get lost in all the colors whizzing by us with a small smile curling my lips.

I would love to get Al– Justin in a suit with his hair tousled, one hand in his pocket and the other weaved through his hair surrounded by the beauty of nature. He would look enchanting, ethereal with all the colors reflecting in his vibrant blue orbs.

My chest fills with excitement and a warmth I've long forgotten when it comes to Fall and my photography.

Each shot comes out perfect with minimal settings being changed.

The last pictures I took of a person was of Nadia six years ago in Fall. I remember it like it was yesterday.

She had a beautiful dress on, it was the lightest shade of brown with a crisp white hijab. Countless leaves fluttered to the ground as she sat between the fallen brown and red leaves. A multi colored leaf landed on her hijab, her doe brown orbs sparkled with pure joy and a radiant smile danced across her face as she looked up at the canopy of trees above her.

In that moment, it was the happiest I've ever seen my best friend. My fingers twitched with excitement as I captured the essence of her joy. She was oblivious to my camera. Those make for the best pictures. In those moments you don't see forced smiles and laughter. You capture the purest form of emotions and that's what I did.

The last picture I took was the moment she grabbed a handful of leaves and tossed it in the air. The leaves cascaded down around her as she laughed freely. I will never forget the childlike wonder morphing her features. Each picture encapsulated it brilliantly.

I want to do it again.

My fingers pump with electricity as I close my eyes, imagining the camera in my hands. Just like I wanted, Justin stands among the trees, surrounded by multi colored leaves. He's beautifully oblivious to me in the background, snapping shot after shot.

"We're here," Alfred's voice pulls me from my imaginary photoshoot.

"The Four Seasons? Is Justin here?" I ask. "Did he come earlier than we planned?"

"I'm not at liberty to say."

"Right," I click my tongue. "What about the rental car? I need to return it if I'm going back home with him."

𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 |𝟏𝟖+| Slow UpdatesWhere stories live. Discover now