The Knights

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I'm motivated for this story and can't sleep, so have the second chapter while I'm at it.

Warning: this book WILL have scenes some call disturbing and I don't care about you feelings. If you think it's disturbing then I did a good job at making it disturbing.


I looked around myself, seeing nothing but the trees of the forest around me. Something felt wrong. I felt like I was being watched, but I didn't know from where. It's been at least a month, maybe a little more. I don't remember, I lost count after a month.

I've just been doing what I do best in this world, survive. Those canines from the first day made a comfortable cape and blanket. I wore a necklace that had a tooth of a beast I killed a couple days ago, never mind the wounds I got from it. Bastard put my left arm out of commission for at least a week. Hah! I get souvenirs, while these beast get slain for my survival.

I have many scars now, but I've also been taught by these beast. They taught me that nowhere is truly safe, keep eyes in the back of your head, and ALWAYS trust your instincts. Those three lessons have kept me alive, for now anyways.

I really only have crude weapons since no one really goes through here if they can help it. I've only seen blood and footprints, never a body. I always grew angry when there was no body because then I can't get a weapon, if they had one, and I can't get a semblance of help. This forest will haunt my actions for a while, if not forever. I'll forever be a predator, no longer a normal person.

I let out a silent sigh as I walked past trees, keeping my guard up as I did so. I walked without a sound as trees started to blur around me, I smelled blood. I ran with as much speed that I could before I started to see a small clearing. In it I saw two knights, evident by their heavy armor and weapons. One seemed to be holding their right arm close to their body as they talked with each other.

I cursed myself in my mind as I reached for a makeshift dagger that I usually carried, but felt nothing. I must have left it in my makeshift bed. I didn't let out any sound as I saw one of the knights look in my general direction.

'What are they talking about..' The thought crossed my mind. They could be talking about me or thought he saw something. 'Whatever it is, it's not good for me.'

I didn't know what language this world used, so it'd be a gamble to even speak to them. Maybe they speak English? Welsh? French? German? Italian? Spanish? Dutch? Swedish? Finnish? In all honesty, who knows? It could be some language like Latin or some shit.

I think I was in my mind for a tad bit too long because they just drew swords and the uninjured one is walking my way. So I slowly started backing up, making as little sound as possible, before I made a mistake. I stepped on a stick, snapping it. 'What kind of cliché is this?!'

I cursed my luck as the knight now fully knew I was there, but not what I looked like. Maybe I could scare him? Maybe I could kill them? Wait, no. Not that last one. I don't want to be hunted down. I'm not an animal, well maybe I am? Wait, no, I definitely am an animal. Damn.

"Come out!" He yelled. I simply ignored him as I continued to slowly back up. My survival might be relying on me escaping, I don't feel like laughing at death right now.

"COME OUT!" He yelled louder and starting to make his way towards me. This dude is insane. For all he knows I could be one of the monsters in these woods!

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