Chapter 2

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Zander today didn't fell good. He sometimes coughed and once even vomited with flowers. He was often going to toilet and Hailey and Luke started to worry about him. Zander didn't looked fine and looked sick.

On the last lesson, that was geography Zander needed to go again to the toilet.

-Emm... miss?- the grape boy asked the teacher.
-Yes, dear?
-Can I go to the toilet?
-Of course dear! Just go back fast, before lesson gonna end.

Zander runned. After he entered the toilet, he goes to the closes cabin. He started to vomit with flowers. The flowers were falling fast from his mouth and also he could notice sometimes blood.

He stoped and coughed some petals with blood. He didn't fell good. He felt horrible. Why he was doing this? Why he was coughting and vomiting with flowers and petals?

He cleaned his face and goes back to the classroom, but then the school bell rang. It was now time for club exercises. Zander was scared that everyone in the Music club gonna find out his "disease".
-Zander, I need to talk with you for a second.

The boy with purple eyes was surprised by this. About what Luke wanted to talk? Maybe he noticed his coughting?

-Are you alright? I noticed that you don't feel well today... Is something happened? I can help you with it.

Zander's face after hearing this turned whole red. Inside he was happy that Luke was worried about him and wanted to help him, but Zander wanted to still hide his coughting and vomiting with flowers. He was scared that Luke would think that he's lying and joking.

-N-n-no, I'm o-okay. T-Thanks for a-a-a-asking...

Luke snorded.
-I see your not. Is that blood on your lips?

Zander was calm outside, but panicked inside. He didn't noticed this little amout of blood on his lips.

-Oh, t-this? I j-just b-b-bitted my lips and... you know...
Luke was quiet for now.
-Are you sure you are okay?
-Yes, I'm, Luke, don't worry about me.

It was Stacy, Luke's new girlfriend. Zander after he saw her was annoyed. That stupid Stacy. Just for looking at her, Zander was angry.

-Hi Stacy.
Luke kissed girls cheek. Zander got jealous, because of this.

-Can I see your club today? I want to hear your playing on drums Lukey pookey.
-Of course babe. I gotta go Zander. See you in the club!

And they goes away, leaving Zander alone.

Henry noticed whole situation.
-Hey guys- says the boy with Deku hair to his friends- Look at this poor man. His man got stoled. Ohhhhh I'm gonna cryyyy.

He acted like he was crying and Drew and Liam was laughing at this. Then they goes to Zander.

-Someone stoled your man, am I right?- started Drew.
-What do you need from me Drew?!
-Oh, look at him. He's about to cryyyyyy- says Liam and started to imitate crying.

-I understand Luke's decision honestly- started Drew with an evil expression on his face- because: who would want to be with a freak like you? Pathetic.

Him, Henry and Liam started to laught. Zander was very angry at them. He runned away to the clubroom.

-Coward!- screamed Henry from far.

Zander would still hear they're laught.

-Zander, where have you been?- started Hailey- Jake is mostly late, but now he is first.

-Nothing Hailey... just... Drew and his friends... you know...

After that he looked at his piano. It was now touched by Stacy.

-Oh, I'm so sorry Zander. Just... Luke says I can try and-
-Luke, why didn't you ask about my permission first?

Luke stayed quiet.

Then Zander noticed that he want to cought again. He does this, when no one was looking at him.

-So- says Hailey- it's start to practice. Stacy can watch.
-GUYS IT WAS AMAZING!- started Stacy with stars in her eyes- y'all are super talented! Especially Luke~

This makes Luke kinda blush.

-Thanks babe- says auburn haired boy, making Zander even more jealous.

-Practices are over for the today, you can all go home- started Hailey- in the weekend were gonna train at mine and Zander house. I gonna remind you. Remember about bringing your instruments!

Then the whole club and Stacy started to go back home. Zander was going with Hailey and Luke was with Stacy. That was still untypical to grape boy, because he was always going back with Luke.
After Zander got back home he started to looking in Google about his coughting and vomiting with flowers. He gets nothing.

When he was about to stop then he noticed some informations. He wasn't sure is this was true, but he looked at it.


"Weird name" thought Zander.

He was happy that he gets some informations about it.

"In the lungs of person with broken heart are starting to grow flowers. They can grow for days, months and even years. It ends with fully grow flowers that that suffocate the person and kills them. There are not many reasons to stop it, but there are, and these are:
The person returns feeling to the carrier of hanahaki.
The carrier deletes flowers operationally, but it makes them forget about the person they loved."

"It sounds kinda weeby" thought Zander, while kinda cringing "but real if I have this."

Then he started to worry about himself. If Luke not gonna return his feeling, Zander gonna die. And the second option sounded really creepy.

Zander started to cry to himself.

"Everythings gonna be okay... I think."


Second chapter :D. How are you liking this? See ya lol.

Unrequited love, full with roses///Lander///The Music FreaksWhere stories live. Discover now