Chapter 7 (Lucio): Who I Was Dealing With

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Copyright © 2024 by GroveltoHEA

Ah, my perfect little Body wife. Sweet, demure, obedient and so full of shit it wasn't even funny.

I want you to know I'm ready to go back with you today and take my place as your wife.

So docile-sounding. Trying to be what I'd expect my wife to be. 

Ready to take her place as my wife, my ass. 

Ginevra was obviously up to something, but I had no idea what. Had she forgotten I was there when she was telling me she was no longer a virgin? When she'd kicked my ass with her clumsiness? Whenever I pushed her too far, she forgot herself a bit and would bite back at me before she remembered she wasn't keeping up appearances, and now I was supposed to have forgotten the shit she'd pulled? I could definitely play along, trying to figure out what she was up to.

I suspected that my wife normally never lost her cool, but I seemed to be able to press her buttons, something I'd use to my advantage so I could find out her secrets. Growing up in the Body, I'd had to be alert at a young age and I'd honed my instincts and learned to listen to them. It'd kept me alive when Santo and I were planning to remove my uncle as Head. And it'd been poking at me that Ginevra wasn't what she seemed. After her accidental attack on me, my gut moved from poking at me to hitting me with a sledgehammer.

Only two hours after she'd told me she was ready to take her place as my wife, we were driving back home, and Ginevra was sitting in the passenger seat, trying not to make it obvious she was ready to kill me. It'd started when I insisted on driving to begin throwing her off balance.

"The man should drive, Ginevra."

"It's my car," she said. Demurely. But with a slight edge.

"Yes, but I'm the man and we're better drivers, so you don't have to worry your pretty little head about things like driving when I'm with you."

Her jaw ticked once, but she couldn't argue the point further without asserting herself, so she simply nodded and looked at the floor. She clearly wasn't ready to die on this hill, which meant she had to force a smile as she handed over the keys. I let her stew for the first half hour of the trip, then started in on her again.

"Ginevra, you've been away from the Body for too long. Body men still have a somewhat traditional role, like with the driving, but in most other areas, you'll be allowed to be independent. Of course, you probably won't have as much freedom as other wives because of your position as the Head's wife, but I'm willing to allow you certain freedoms."

"Really, Lucio? Like what?" she asked breathlessly, but that sweet, curious voice was turned into a lie by that teeny, tiny jaw tick again.

"Well, let's see...I know! I'll let you decide what you're making for dinner every night. I won't tell you when I leave in the morning what I want for dinner. I'll leave the menus entirely up to you."

Although I wasn't a man given to smiling much, delivering that kind of bullshit line made it hard to keep a straight face, especially when I delivered it as if I was granting her a huge concession.

"Oh, Lucio! Do you really trust me to make decisions like that all by myself?"

I don't trust you at all, my little ghost.

"Yes, Ginevra, you'll find I'm going to be good to you like that. And another thing I'm not going to hold against you is that you're no longer a virgin. I know you were upset with my attitude the night you told me that, so I'm willing to overlook the way you spoke to me then. I'm sure that wasn't like you."

The Body #2: Lucio and JanieWhere stories live. Discover now