A Brand New Development.

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I might be back.

After the events of yesterday, and Hipper realizing a jetski was probably the dumbest idea known to man, she was currently in the workshop with a certain cat.

"Nya.. I don't know what you want me to do on such short notice.." Akashi groaned as she put her head down on a table "But I do agree with you nya.. The Jetski is certainly a dumb idea. I think you'll just have to be towed along by a backline until you get to the operation zone nya."

"I know you can't do anything on short notice.. But I'm not gonna use a jetski for the rest of my time here damn it." Hipper groaned as she held her head "Do you have any suggestions for something after it?"

Akashi thought for a moment, really using her two or maybe even three brain cells to great use "Maybe.. Maybe nya we can reawaken the cube inside of you.." She walked over to a filing cabinet and opening it, pulling out her documents on cube technology

"But what I don't know is how it will affect you.. Because In technicality this isn't your body.. It's well, Hippers.. So I don't know if she'll take the body back or she'll be like a voice in the back of your head.. Nya.. I didn't want to be thinking this hard this early in the morning." Akashi continued to whine as she placed her documents down on her desk and sitting down

"Awaken the cube huh..? I was given my file a while ago.. They said they put a brand new cube inside of me, so why would she come back..?" Hipper thought out loud "..I just don't get it. I still have dreams about her memories so I guess.. She is still lurking around inside.."

"You have to remember nya.. Well.. We aren't not too sure ourselves.. We really don't know what the Wisdom cubes are.. We had a bit of a scandal with sirens a few years back, and we managed to capture one of their cubes.. It looked exactly like ours.. Just darker. So even some are speculating we are Aliens as well. Maybe the governments and the sirens are working together to fight a war that really isn't real.. Mooching off of the civilian taxes.." 

"You know I would say that couldn't be real, but back in my world there was an.. uh.. event where the United States lead naval officer was caught having a child with one of the abyssals. It was certainly an event." Hipper laughed as she thought back on it 

"But I'm going to be serious with you here, Hipper, No one else takes me seriously!" Akashi shook her arms around "I seriously do think we're more related to the sirens than we think. Nya! I feel like we're close to a breakthrough in this war. Only if I had more funding."

"Hey!" Hipper put her arms up in defense "I never said I didn't believe you. It's just that it's gonna take time for people to wake up towards it, just like any conspiracy theory. Just put it on the back burner for now." She sighed some

"Yeah you're right.. But, I'll look for something for you nya. Because you're a lot less armored on a jetski.. Hell a PT boat would be better than that thing.." Akashi sighed but smiled "..Thanks for coming! You're always welcome here nya!"

"Of course Akashi." Hipper smiled as she walked out of the workshop "Making connections here is one way to figure out how to get home, but I feel like I'm just gonna get hooked into something else." She muttered to herself as she started to walk back towards the Iron Blood dorms 

"Maybe Akashi was right. From the photos I've seen, These Sirens look a lot like Shipgirls.. But so did the Abyssals. But most shipgirls and humanoid Abyssals did share some DNA with the girls back in my universe." Hipper spoke to herself as she stopped and sat on the bench, pulling out her notepad

"If I can find some files in any siren stronghold we come across.. Maybe I can figure out the connection between sirens and shipgirls! They also have portaling capabilities, Maybe I can use this to get back to my world!"

"Hey you idiot! Listen to me! We are not leaving until you give me my body back!"

She froze for a while before looking around quickly "Who in the hell was that?" She started to sweat some "What the hell was that.." She started to sweat "That sounded a lot like me, but more annoying.." She grumbled as she held her head "I need to get some rest.."

She slid her notepad back into her bra before finally getting up and starting to walk "..More problems just keep adding up.." She grumbled as she put her hands in her pockets, continuing to think about what happened.

A few hours later.. brought to you by me actually wanting to write again..

It was Storming in pearl Harbor, Our combat medic tossing and turning in bed, not being able to manage to fall asleep..

"I've never been able to sleep in the Rain.." Hipper muttered as she slowly got out of bed stretching, sliding on her pants and looking around the room "..She has good taste I'd say.." She started to walk towards a dresser before grabbing a photo "This must be her sister.."

She looked at the photo for a while before turning it around "..Blücher.. That name sounds so familiar.." She mumbled, trying to think about it but everything just came up blank "I can't figure it out. I guess it has something to do with the Hipper inside of me." She placed the photo down before walking out of the room and downstairs.

It was quiet, the only noise being the intense rain hitting the windows of the dorms as Hipper walked into the kitchen, turning on the lights and making herself some coffee. It oddly enough helped her sleep during these times. 

"I know We like the cold and all, but they don't have to keep the AC on blast.." Hipper shuddered as she stood nearby the coffee pot, looking down at it, thinking about the events of today. "So many things happened in such short amounts of time.. I need to get my mind ready for this operation."

She huffed as she poured herself some coffee before walking back up to her room. She got into her room, placed the coffee on her desk as she grabbed the Fatality report from her jacket, sitting down and opening it 

"..These last few operations have been brutal.. Most of them are from the American and Japanese Navies. Shigure, Nowaki, Suzuya, Richmond, Spence.. All of them just torn to shreds by the laser weaponry of the sirens.. these autopsy photos are horrible.." She sipped her coffee as she flipped through the folder 

"..Injuries have been through the roof as well.. We're losing this war in terms of injuries.. you can't really injure a brainless doll now, can you.?" Hipper muttered. "You just can't send your ships out there alone with no support crew.. Vestal is nice, but she never leaves base, and Akashi has the power, but no one really likes her for some reason. I can't tell why, but she seems nice enough."

Hipper continued to look through the files for a while before closing it and finishing her coffee. "I think I need to get some sleep.. Can't be up all night now.." She went to turn off her desk light before going to lie down again, drifting into sleep..

"Blücher! Watch out!"

And that's that.. Shorter than literally anything I've written so far I'm pretty sure, But I'm just getting back into the groove! See you guys soon ;)

~Fiver <3

Long chapter nowhere to be found

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