Recruiting The Idol.

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After asking way too many people, Our resident Combat medic finally made it to the Atlanta class dorms.

"The fact that I have to deal with this.." Hipper sighed as she looked at the door of the dorm "..What could go wrong." she then knocked on the door, waiting for a moment, no answer... She then knocked again, harder this time

The door soon opened, a pink haired girl standing there "You're that combat medic everyone is talking about..."

"Yeah, That's me.. I need one of you for my fleet of sorts.. I've realized I have no AA, and Fletcher isn't on Kidd levels.." Hipper looked at Atlanta, who just stared blankly at her.

"You can have.. Uh.." Atlanta thought for a moment, then looking back into the house "Oh.. You can have Sandy.."

"Sandy? That one Idol?" Hipper asked

"Yeah.. All of us got picked up.. No one wanted her.." Atlanta scratched her neck as she looked at the Medic

"I don't see why.. What's your name?" Hipper asked her

"You know I thought that would've been obvious, But my name is Atlanta. Lead of the Atlanta class.. Uh.. Bigger destroyers? AA cruisers? Destroyer flotilla leaders? Listen, there's a lot of things that we have been called.." Atlanta did a little salute "Is that all you need?"

"If It's alright.. I would like to meet Sandy, so I can tell her our plan for the operation." Hipper looked down at the paper she had in her hands

"Oh.. Yeah go ahead.. She's in the last room on the right." Atlanta stepped off to the side of the door "She's probably.. Doing whatever she does near midnight."

"Thanks." Hipper nodded as she walked into the dorm, looking around, then walking over to the Idol's room, soon knocking on the door "For an Idol and how infamous she is.. She is pretty quiet.." she muttered to herself, waiting for the door to open, and soon it did.

"Big Sis..?" Sandy peeked from the door, soon spotting Hipper "Woah! Its you!" she opened the door fully "Do you need anything from me?"

"Sandy. Just the Idol I was looking for. I was wondering if you would be my Anti-Air support for the upcoming Mission.. I'd give you something but you're such a wildcard, so I don't know what you would like in the first place.."

San Diego's eyes suddenly shined as she looked up at the Medic, soon lunging forward and tackling her "You don't know how much this means to me! No one really picks me for anything! I've been trying to show people how strong I am.. But they just won't listen! Thank you! Thank you so much for even thinking of wanting me in your fleet!"

Hipper groaned as she was tackled and hugged tight as hell by the Idol "Y-Yeah.. Y-you're welcome.." she looked down at Sandy who had her face stuffed in her non-existent chest, soon starting to think 'I really don't know why people don't choose her... Probably because she's annoying as hell now that I think about it more.. But she's my last resort.. Maybe she is secretly a powerhouse, If that's true.. I think she'd be a good friend to have' she smiled "So.. Is there anything you want in return?"

"Anything..? I want people to like my singing more! A lot of people just say it's annoying! I want to change that! So can you do that for me?" Sandy looked up at her with a bright smile

"I did take vocal lessons back when I was younger.. But I'll do you something better.. I'll become your producer."

"My producer?! Really?!" Sandy's smile just grew wider "That would be amazing! I would actually have help with my songs!"

'Are her sisters that shitty?'  Hipper thought for a moment before looking back at the Idol, nodding "Yeah. If you help me in this operation, I'll help you in your idol career."

Our resident combat medic was not prepared for what she has just agreed to.

"Yay! That works for me!" Sandy laughed some as she got up, then pulled Hipper up along with her, pulling the medic into her room, closing the door. Her room was just as colorful as she was. "So! What's the plan for the operation?!"

"It's pretty simple. Me being a combat medic and all, I'm mostly for support.. Kind of want to make a good impression or I'm probably going to get to the shadow realm." Hipper sighed as she handed the papers over to Sandy "But, I think everything is going to go swell! As long as you put forward your best effort."

"I promise that I will!" Sandy smiled as she looked through the papers Hipper had given her "I don't know what half of these words mean but it seems like a good plan! You must have experience! Since you came from another world and all." She handed the papers back to the medic.

"Yeah.. I was one of the most respected members of the forces back in my old world you know? I was one of the main tacticians. We won major battles we never had a chance in!" Hipper laughed some as she looked at a random wall "The final battle, I was struck down.. But I was brought back to life in this world.. Guess god isn't done with me yet.." She looked back at Sandy

"Well! You can maybe help us get to the final battle with the sirens! But this time, I, San Diego, will not let you get struck down!" Sandy had a dumb smile on her face, looking at Hipper

"I'll have some faith in you." Hipper smiled at the Idol "And.. I'm way too tired, so do you mind if I sleep on the couch in your room? I would go back to the German dorms, but I don't know where they are.." she laughed nervously

"Oh, Of course! You're my new producer! I'd do anything to help you!" Sandy walked over to a closet, pulling out a cover with herself on it, walking over to Hipper "Here you go! I'll keep quiet so you can sleep!"

Hipper smiled and grabbed the cover "Thank you Sandy, you sleep well too, alright?" Hipper nodded as she went and laid down on the couch, soon just passing out, she's tired, man.

Sandy looked at Hipper as she fell asleep with a smile "Sleep well, producer."

It has been, well.. Awhile! I'm sorry I've been gone for so long but I've had no motivation to write! But thank you for 4k reads! I promise I'll upload more (Probably not)

Fiver out!

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