Chapter 6: Mission Briefing and Introductions

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I'm not dead!

"Now, Welcome to the Mission briefing. This operation is one of our most important yet, so listen up closely." Saratoga stood in front of the room "It shall be called, Operation Stop The Sirens!"

Silence spread through the room, everyone having a confused look on their face, a comical cough coming out of nowhere

"Who let the child name the operation?"

"I AM NOT A CHILD! I AM OLDER THAN YOU, PLYMOUTH! Anyway, this operation is very important to the removal of the sirens from some of our most important trade routes. This is where you all come in." A new screen popped up, showing fleet formations.

"Most fleets will consist of 2 carriers, a battleship, 1 cruiser and 2 Destroyers, one of you lucky fleets will get a Combat Medic-" Saratoga was cut off

"Wouldn't it be better for the Combat medic to not be just with one fleet? She would be able to be more useful if she just stayed alone.. But then you have to deal with the idea of her possibly getting attacked.." Hazelwood said

"Maybe with a fleet that can move quickly, so some CL's, destroyers and maybe a Battlecruiser." Saratoga said, looking at the board "..Alright. Fletcher, Scharnhorst, Le Malin, Foxhound.." She thought for a long moment who the last member should be "Jervis, you can go with them as well." She soon made an addition to the fleet list "Does anyone have any objections? No? Great. We can continue with this meeting."

The meeting went smoothly from that point on, just a few more hiccups.

"To think that luck would bring us together again, Hipper!" Scharnhorst laughed as she walked out of the room with the blonde German

"I am beginning to regret ever talking to you." Hipper grunted rubbing her head "Her voice was like a fork on a chalkboard.. She's supposed to be an idol? Great to know anyone who listens to her has shit music taste.."

"She isn't that bad, better than San Diego.." Scharnhorst pointed towards a red-haired girl who was singing on a pile of boxes "Her songs are pretty swell though, including her single, 'Watashi Wa No.1.' It's pretty catchy, maybe too catchy."

Hipper shook her head "Idols aren't that bad, back where I came from we had the Kongou sisters, Yuudachi, Mutsuki and Fubuki and DD6, they weren't bad. Actually pretty good for their age.. Miss them though.."

Scharnhorst tilted her head "Miss who? Were they in one of those idol groups? they must've been important to you."

Hipper nodded and stopped walking "My adopted daughters, Hibiki and Akatsuki. Hopefully they're doing fine without me for now.." She smiled softly "The threat is over in that world. Maybe if I stop this one I'll be able to go back."

"Then I'll miss you!" Anchorage came up from behind and hugged Hipper tightly "I don't want you to leave, Hip-Hip! Take me with you!" She whined, holding onto the German

"Gah! Let go of me Anchorage! You're gonna make me fall! AHHH-" The two then fell to the ground, Anchorage looking dazed as she laid on top of a wheezing Hipper "God damn you're heavy! Scharnhorst help me!"

Scharnhorst looked at the situation before turning around and whistling, looking at something else and then walking off from the two, laughing quietly as she did "GOD DAMN YOU! I'M NOT HEALING YOUR ASS!" Hipper shouted while still trying to get Anchorage off of her

"Then I won't get hurt!" Scharnhorst said from a distance "ILL RIP YOUR FUCKING OTHER EYE OUT! AHHHHH!"

"Stop using bad language!" Anchorage bonked Hipper "Please get off of me! I'm sorry!" the German responded sounding desperate "Scharnhorst! Help!"

Scharnhorst continued to walk away, laughing, Ignoring the Germans cries for help, Poor Hipper.

After that, a few hours later.. Hipper had to wait until Anchorage fell asleep..

"Thank you all for coming to the worst fleet setup meeting.. I hope everyone is here.." Hipper groaned, sitting in one of the many bars of the island with her fleet "Since we have a day for prep.. I would like to get to know you all.. So.. Fletcher, you may start."

A green haired girl wearing glasses looked around the table "Oh. I'm Fletcher! Big sister to the Fletcher class! I'm one of the many big sisters here on the base, but I'm not that type of big sister! Please don't lap me in with those!" She then sat down.

"..Okay.. Uh.. Le Malin.." Hipper looked over at the sleepy French destroyer who was currently nodding off

"Oh.. I'm Le Malin. One of the French destroyers.. I like to sleep, sleep.. wear lewd bunny suits and sleep again.. is that good enough? I hope so.. I'm going back to sleep.." She then closed her eyes, falling asleep

"Well.. I hope that's good enough for the rest of you.. Fox.." She looked up from the file she had and then up to the busty woman in front of her "..You're Foxhound..?"

"Yeah! I just got done with my Retro! I look a lot more like an actual female now! Maybe the commander will love me! Wherever he is... Oh Yeah! Introductions! I'm Foxhound! Maple Monarchy destroyer! It's gonna be nice working with you all!" She shot up, doing a salute, then sitting down

"You know it's kinda weird that we didn't get any cruisers but we got Scharnhorst.. I'll just abduct that idol later on and force her to join.. speaking of Scharnhorst, it's your turn.."

"My name is Scharnhorst! Lead class of the Scharnhorst Battlecruisers of Iron Blood! I might seem scary at first but get to know me and I'll open up! It's gonna be nice working and killing with you all. Heh." She then sat down

"..I'm already dreading this.. alright.. Jervis.. You're our last member for now, so please introduce yourself.." Hipper then looked over at the British Destroyer

"My name is Jervis.. one of the strongest Royal Navy Destroyers.. I would count myself as pretty lucky.. not as lucky as that Japanese one though.." She then went quiet

Hipper then started talking again "..Well that's that.. Now we should go over our plan.. we're gonna be moving fast, so there won't be time for resting!" Le Malin made a noise of annoyance after hearing that. "We have pretty decent firepower and torpedoes, good speed.. AA could use some work.. a lot of work actually.." She sighed "Maybe kidnapping two of the Atlanta class could work out in our favor.." She thought for a moment

"Are we really resorting to kidnapping?" Foxhound questioned, not really getting why they would kidnap someone "You know that the Germans are unorthodox, don't know why you're questioning this, Foxhound." Jervis responded

"Listen, it's not my fault when I tried to speak up about it, Sara wouldn't shut the fuck up and let me speak." Hipper sighed, rubbing her temples "I'll just go ask them.. we can speak more about it tomorrow.. it's getting late anyway, meeting dismissed." She grabbed her folders walking out, then looking for the Atlanta class dorms.

She then realized she had no clue where she was going, Again.


A/N: Wow! Yeah I got a chapter out, I'm not dead I promise! Summer was nice and really couldn't write over it! But Thank you all for supporting me! We hit 2k reads, honestly astonishing! I love you all <3!

Here's a photo of Laffey for your wait! Yes, I went to see her over the summer! Honestly such an amazing ship!

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