Chapter 5: Mess hall Mishap

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The Mess Hall was a 'mess' to say the least.

There were multiple things going around the Hall, including a group of British ships in a corner, muttering about how their queen was disrespected and that 'She did nothing wrong' and 'That woman had to start it'. They turned to look at Hipper as she walked in, all of them glaring daggers at her.

There were also the French, they were talking about Retreat strategies, then also talking about what they were doing after they retreated. Le Malin suggested "Naptime". She was then promptly smacked on the back of the head by her younger sister, Le Terrible.

The Russians were at the centermost table, eating potatoes and drinking Clear Pepsi, It was too early in the day for them to be drinking alcohol, so they used something that looked like Vodka, but wasn't. Most people couldn't tell the difference with a blind eye, but Hipper noticed it.

"The ladies over there are scary.." Anchorage hid behind Scharnhorst who was looking at the British ships "They're just mad that Hipper was right, Anchorage." She sighed, looking away from them. "Those people simply don't know how to accept defeat, especially from a german."

"That I can agree on, most of them are all egotistical assholes anyway. I don't give a damn about them or their queen in the slightest. I'll apologize to her if she gets her act together." Hipper said. "There's an empty table right there, right by that.. Destroyer? Submarine..?"

The three looked at a green-haired and red-eyed girl, trying to decipher what she was. "Ooh! That's Torri! She's a submarine, a Rather large one at that. She's a nice gal, a bit on the weirder side though, but I guess that's her charm!" Scharnhorst said, waving at the Italian Submarine who promptly waved back with a smile.

"What do they have here? Hip-Hip?" Anchorage asked, trailing closely behind the Combat medic "I don't know, Anchorage. Ah, there's a Menu! I think I'll just get you some chicken tenders.. That's what my mom would always get me when I didn't know what was in the restaurant." Hipper chuckled

"They sound Tasty, hopefully, they don't taste like those weird moving things on the ground," Anchorage said, earning a stare from Hipper and Scharnhorst. "Georgia never told us you ate bugs... Guess you'll be fine though. Ahaha.." Scharnhorst was freaking out mentally, wondering what went through her mind to randomly eat a bug.

"You shouldn't eat those, Anchorage. They aren't good for you." Hipper sighed. "If anyone told you that bugs were good to eat, please tell me so I can pummel them." Anchorage then spoke. "It was a small woman.. kinda talked like those people over there.." She pointed over at the British table.

"..Are they just focusing us at this point?" Hipper muttered, "I'll find out who did it, probably get killed for it, really don't care." Scharnhorst patted Hippers shoulder "Or, they could be exploiting Anchorage, just because.. You know, that's even worse. Let's just get in line, we've been standing here for a bit now."

The three then walked into the line, soon getting in front of the window. "It's the woman herself! The one who stuck up to that queen! You're a hero around the Union as always Hipper!" Northampton said from behind the counter, having a slight smile on her face.

"Again? Do you Americans not stand up for yourself or something?" Hipper asked, The smile on Northampton's face going into a stunned stare "Hehe, about that.. I don't think that we don't want to, it's just that we can't, y'know?" she then laughed nervously "We're allies and all that, and she'd probably have us scrapped."

"I would rather be scrapped than have to deal with her every day, I wonder how those damn maids haven't gone insane yet." Hipper said "I've heard they attempted to have me scrapped a few years back, but it wasn't my fault I beat her. Since she had started the fight, But if I remember correctly, I was suspended for like 3 months."

"Looks like you got some of your memories back! Nice!" Scharnhorst smiled. "What do you mean.. Oh! So that was what that file was about that we had to read! So it was true, you came back from the dead! Well, that's nice! You always make it exciting around here, Now, what can I get you all to eat?" Northampton asked.

The three (Or two because Hipper ordered for the child) ordered what they wanted. After getting their food they went over to the table by the Mentioned Italian submarine and sat down.

"Thank god! We can finally eat without any interruptions-" A teacup soon hit the side of Scharnhorst's face "Who the fuck threw that?! A lady can't eat around here?!" she shouted, looking in the direction the teacup came from. After not finding anyone she sighed, looking down. "Just let us eat.." she then went back to eating her food.

"This brown stuff makes this chicken taste better." Anchorage was eating her chicken tenders with barbeque sauce "Ah, that's called barbeque sauce, Anchorage. It's really good." Hipper looked up from her soup, looking at the Cruiser. Anchorage looked at the sauce for a moment, trying to think of how to pronounce it.

"Bar.. Barbe.. Bar be.. Barbeque.. Barbeque! Yay! Anchorage did it!" She clapped to herself, smiling "Yep! Good job Anchorage! You said it!" Hipper brought her hand up, head patting her, which Anchorage happily accepted.

"Jeez, You guys are like a family at this point." Heinrich sat at the table, placing her tray of food down. "Nice to see Ole Scharny get out of her shell though, hehe."

"S-shut up, Heinrich! I was never in a shell in the first place, Idiot!" Scharnhorst retorted quickly, a large blush present on her face. "I'm just sticking with Hipper because I have to, of course! Hmph." she crossed her arms, looking away.

"Who's the Tsundere now?" Hipper asked as she began to laugh "You're doing a better Tsundere job than I ever was, Jeez Scharny!" she continued to laugh as Scharnhorst was getting more and more embarrassed

"Hehe, Hipper's right, Scharny. I've never seen this side of you, did Hippers ghost start to haunt your body?" Heinrich joked as she began to eat her food. "Shut up! Both of you!" Scharnhorst snapped, this only caused the two to laugh harder.

"Anchorage is the only one who cares about me, Right Anchorage?" Scharnhorst turned to Anchorage who had her sleeve up to her mouth, obviously trying to hold in a laugh. "I hate you all," she said sadly, looking down in defeat.

"You know we all do it in a joking manner, Scharny! You're just so easy to rile up!" Heinrich giggled, her laughing fit finally calming down. "Then why do you do it so much? Do you think it's that funny? I don't find it funny in the slightest!" Scharnhorst responded

"Yeah, because you're the one getting laughed at," Hipper said smirking

"Good point. Let's just finish eating.." And they did, the group walking out of the mess when they were done, going on to get ready for this Mission that they were called on in the first place.

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