Chapter 3: Azur Lane Base Shenanagins

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1:40 AM

Middle Of The Ocean

The sail across the ocean wasn't exciting, other than Hipper nearly being eaten by a shark after falling asleep, everything was going fine.

"I hate this.. There weren't any sharks in the other world.." Hipper whined, laying on top of Scharnhorst's torpedo launcher. She had tied her jetski onto the back of the Battle Cruisers' ship form. Scharnhorst was behind her, deadpanning "Jeez, for a veteran ship girl combat medic you sure are afraid of a shark.."

"Hey! The only thing we had to deal with back in my world were deadly demons popping out of the seas! Not sharks!" Hipper shouted at Scharnhorst with tears coming down her face "Jeez, fine, but at least get off my torp tube. Your tears are gonna ruin it.."

Hipper wiped her tears and nodded, slowly sliding off the torp tube "So, When are we gonna get to pearl? I do wanna meet the people I might have to die with." Scharnhorst looked out into the sea and pointed at a small speck in the distance "She's right there. It is pretty late, so I doubt you'll be able to meet anyone interesting until morning."

"They Don't have to be interesting at All." Hipper laid against the torp tube much to Scharnhorst's annoyance. "I just want to meet them. Won't be the first time I meet them technically. But it's my first time."

"I really don't think anyone liked you. You were too abrasive, other than Sheffield. You two had a weird connection. She did give you those Pistols as well." Scharnhorst

sighed, looking down at Hipper.

"Queen Elizabeth was a bitch to you, and you were a bitch back, it was quite funny seeing you go back and forth until Eugen and Warpite split you two up." Scharnhorst laughed. "I'm gonna have to say sorry, unless she's still a bitch. Don't care if she's the queen."

Scharnhorst nodded "Heh, so you and your other self share the same feelings.." Hipper chuckled before looking out into the sea. "I'm gonna take a small nap, wake me up when we get there." She slowly got back on top of the Torpedo Launcher and fell asleep.

"God damn it.." Scharnhorst sighed. She wanted to wake Hipper, But being the nice flagship she was, she shook her head and walked off, leaving her to sleep.

Timeskip due to Five being angry about the Anchorage valentines day note.

KMS Scharnhorst

3:23 AM

Pearl Harbor Combined Base

"Hipper! Wake up before I push you off of the damn boat!" Scharnhorst shouted to no avail. "Fine! I warned you!" Scharnhorst pushed Hipper off the torpedo tube, and she fell into the port.

About 5 minutes later, Hipper was standing on the dock, drenched for the second time in the past 10 hours. "I did warn you-" Hipper then cut her off "Shut up, doctors orders."

Scharnhorst chuckled, putting a towel on top of the angry German "I'm gonna hit the hay, Iron blood dorms are somewhere around here, just ask someone. Cya." Scharnhorst walked off, leaving Hipper alone.

"Alone in a new place, swell." Hipper sighed, looking around "That's weird, that empty port slot is glowing.." Hipper walked over to it. She noticed a sign in front of the docking slot.

"Anchorage? Must be a new American ship.." Hipper turned away, but suddenly a ship appeared into the port slot, making a small splash.

Hipper turned back, noting a heavy cruiser that suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "What in the hell?" Hipper looked around, noticing no one else was around. "Maybe I should-" Suddenly a blonde, rather mature girl appears in front of Hipper "Am I on drugs..?"

"Woah.. So this is the port.." Anchorage looked around then noticed Hipper. "Hm, Who are you miss?" Hipper looked at Anchorage "I am Hipper Von Franz, Iron Blood combat medic."

Anchorage looked at Hipper for a moment, trying to understand what she just said. "No, that's too confusing! Your name is now Hip-Hip! I'll be i-in your care Hip!"

Hipper was dumbfounded "H-huh? Me? You're in my care?" Anchorage nodded "You were the one to introduce me into this world! So I am under your care."

Hipper didn't understand this "But- shouldn't your commander take care of you? I mean, He did basically bring you into this world-" Anchorage cut her off "If the c-comm.. Command.. commander! That's too hard as well!" Hipper watched the Heavy cruiser with a deadpan expression

"The c- teacher! The teacher isn't here, so that makes you my teacher Hip-Hip!" Anchorage did a mock salute. Hipper, realizing couldn't win, sighed "Alright Anchorage. You win."

"Yay! Hip Hip is now Anchorage's Teacher!" Hipper sighed but smiled "Yeah.. sure.. As your first duty, please take me to where the Iron Blood dorms are."

"I don't know. What's a dorm?" Anchorage asked, Hipper accepted defeat. "I'll just go to sleep.." She walked over to the Scharnhorst with Anchorage in tow.

"How many times do I have to tell you to get off of my torp tube you blonde fuck!"


"It was a productive morning, I'd say." Scharnhorst laughed as Hipper was beside her, groaning in pain. "Anchorage, Don't be like Hipper here, She's an idiot." Anchorage laughed, patting Hipper's shoulder "Don't worry Hip-Hip.. The pain won't be here for much longer."

"Anchorage you're such a saint, I'm so glad I met you." Hipper cried, hugging the heavy cruiser. Anchorage hugged her back. "There there Hip-Hip.." Scharnhorst watched the two with a sigh "Maybe I hit you too hard.." she chuckled nervously. "Anyway, the leaders of the factions wanted to meet you today. Come on."

Hipper nodded, pulling away from Anchorage. "Come on Anchorage, Pretty sure the Americans are gonna wanna see you too." Anchorage nodded, following the two "Yes Teacher!"

As the three walked to the administrative building of the base, Hipper was nervous, thinking of the multiple ways she could possibly fuck it up. She was never this nervous before but it probably was the fact that she was meeting 'New' people, and to boot. These people were the head of the factions for Christ's sake!

"Hipper, we're here." Hipper was snapped out of the trance due to Scharnhorst's hand being laid on her shoulder. "I can tell you're nervous. Calm down, they are all nice people.. Mostly. Well, I'll be waiting out here. Have fun."

Hipper nodded, slowly knocking on the door. The door was opened by a girl in a maid outfit with cow (?) ears and cow bell around her neck. "Your majesty, the guess is here." The girl turned her head. "Let her in Suffolk." The maid, now known as Suffolk, moved out the way, allowing Hipper to walk in.

'Why is it so tense in here!?' Hipper thought, looking around the room noticing that all of the eyes in the room were on her. "Well, Iron Blood certainly wasn't lying.." Hipper turned her head to where the voice came from, her eyes landing on a girl with light brown hair and red eyes.

"MNF Jean Bart, flagship of the Vichya Dominion. Don't forget it." Hipper nodded "I'm her sister ship, Richelieu. Flagship of the Iris Libre. It's nice to see you again, Hipper." the woman beside Jean said, with a small smile adorning her features.

"Enterprise. Current flagship of Eagle Union." Hipper turned, noticing a woman wearing an officer's cap and long silver (or white) hair going down to the near bottom of her back. "The infamous grey ghost. It's an honor to meet you finally." Hipper looked at Enterprise. "I see, even in different dimensions, my reputation still stands." Enterprise chuckled.

"Ah.. Your majesty. It's nice to see you.."

"Hipper, It has been awhile."

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