Chapter 2: Relevance

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Hipper! Fall back! We can Regroup!"

"I can't! You all retreat! I'll hold them off!"

"What? No! I won't leave you here!"

"Fall back Eugen! I can hold them off until the Wolfpack gets here!"

Hipper shot up, looking around, noticing she was sleeping in a small puddle of sweat. She slowly sat up, sliding out of the bed. "Ah shit.. I gotta take a shower.." She groaned, walking over to the closet, noticing 'her' uniform. "I'm good.." She grabbed the stuff she needed and went to take a shower. 

As she took her shower, she thought about the dream she had. "That was me.. but who are the sirens..? Who's the wolfpack.." She shook her head, deciding to think about it later. She soon got out of the shower, getting dressed. As she put on her jacket, A knock was at the door "Coming.." 

Before she opened the door, she looked at the box containing the pistols. "It couldn't hurt.." She grabbed them, putting them inside her jacket just in case. As she opened the door she noticed a rather small, Bubblegum haired Girl. "U-um! Lord Bismarck is requesting your presence in her office!"

"Ah.. I don't know where that is, do you mind showing me the way?" Hipper asked the girl. The girl nodded "Yes! Please follow me." Hipper nodded and started to follow the girl. Along the way she met a few new people, The Scharnhorst class was the highlight. "Those two really are something huh?"

Flash back, like 5 minutes ago.

"Hey Hey! Hipper! Nice to meet you! I'm Scharnhorst! This downer over here is my sister Gneisenau!" Hipper slightly backed up from the energetic battle cruiser. "It's nice to meet you." Gneisenau said with a soft smile, obviously not caring for her older sister's insult. 

"So, You've been the talk around the base! A new Combat medic with a great history!" It was obvious Scharnhorst was putting up a front. Hipper noticed this but let it roll. "Ah.. Yeah. Still trying to figure out why I'm here though."

Gneisenau sighed "We're trying to figure that out too. No offense but we're trying to get our Hipper back, also trying to get you back to where you're from." Hipper laughed quietly "Blunt and to the point. I like you, But I think I have somewhere to go." 


Thinking back on it, Hipper thought about what Gneisenau said. "Trying to get our Hipper back" maybe that dream she had when she was asleep had to do something with it. 

"Miss Hipper, we're here." Hipper was snapped out of her train of thought by the girl. "Ah Thanks. I haven't caught your name yet." The girl looked up at Hipper and chuckled nervously. "Sorry! I forgot. My name is U-556! The Parzival of the Seas. The  sworn protector of Lord Bismarck!" 

Hipper smiled at the enthusiasm the small sub had. "Well Thanks U-556. I'll make sure to ask around for you if I need help around again." U-556 smiled "Aye! I'd be happy to help. I'll see you later! I have to go training!" The sub then ran down the hall, soon out of view

Hipper shook her head, walking into the office "Ah Hipper. Glad you made it. Please take a seat." Bismarck motioned to the chair in front of her. Hipper nodded and sat in it "So you needed me?" Bismarck nodded "We have a mission coming up and I was wondering if you could go with them. It's a rather long one though so I wanted to give you the heads up."

Bismarck placed a file on the desk. Hipper grabbed it and read through the details. "A couple of heavy cruisers, A battle cruiser and Two fleet carriers. Including a toss of destroyers. What's this for?" She questioned "Mirror seas have been popping up a lot more lately and Azur Lane wants to send a sortie from all factions." She started 

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