Chapter 4: Fighting with Royalty and Hunting for A child

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The room was tense as the Two had a small standoff.

"Queen Elizabeth, what an honor it is to meet you." Hipper looked at the short queen on a chair

"I thought you would've stayed down. You weren't of much use anyway. At least you are now." Elizabeth responded.

Hipper chuckled, "At least I know my old self did more than you. All you do is sit high on that throne of yours every day, making everyone else do your dirty work. When was the last time you went on an actual sortie yourself? It must've been months or even years. Making your sister do everything for you."

"I am her knight! It is my duty to do anything she asks!" Warspite shouted in retaliation, gripping her sword just a bit tighter

"You say that Warspite, but I know you are tired from just staying by her side every day. When was the last time she even acknowledged you as 'Sister?' I bet it's been a while hasn't it?" Hipper looked at the knight who had a troubled look on her face.

"How dare you disrespect the queen like that!" Hipper looked over at a new voice that joined the shouting. 'Jesus Christ she screams attachment issues..' Hipper thought, looking at the Maid.

"What do you have to say for yourself, Kraut!" The maid pulled out her sword, pointing it at the German who just stared right back at her. "You British always have a double standard. She said something about me first, and I said something back. Why can't I defend myself? I know it's been uploaded into your minds that you have to protect her with your entire life, you need to learn when your majesty is in the wrong."

The rest of the room was quiet, Not really knowing what to do in this situation. Seeing a reincarnated Hipper was odd enough, but now the queen and she were fighting, for some apparent reason.

"I really don't have time to fight little brats that have high positions. I have a mission to get ready for." Hipper turned around, heading towards the door. "Brat? Who are you calling a brat?!" The queen shouted, getting off of her throne, walking over to Hipper.

"Oh, you should know who I'm talking to. Someone who is entitled as you should never have this high of a position in any type of politics." Hipper turned back around, looking down at the Queen.

"Back where I came from, the ones who actually knew what they were doing made the choices. There was a royal family back in my world, but they were just figureheads. I'm surprised this world hasn't gone that way."

Hipper then walked out of the room. There was silence inside the room that was once the arena for a shouting match.

"Looks like you enjoyed yourself." Scharnhorst said looking at Hipper "She's a fucking brat. Old memories came back to me during that argument. It was the one where we fought.."

"Hah! I remember getting the report on that one! It was hilarious!" Scharnhorst laughed "The look on your sisters' faces was amazing! They couldn't believe how bad you beat her!"

Flashback, to 6 years ago.

"You bitch! Not so high of yourself now? Are you?!" The current scene was unpleasant, to say the least. Hipper was punching a bloody Queen Elizabeth in the Royal Navy Gardens.

"I beat you so hard you can't even fucking respond! You really are fucking useless!" Hipper continued to berate her bloodied opponent. Queen Elizabeth couldn't fight back at that point.

"What's going on over here- HOLY SHIT!"

Back to the present...

"The funniest part is where Mullany and Atlanta had to split you away from her! You were really in one of your rages that day. The Royal Navy wanted you scrapped, but footage showed that Elizabeth had started the problem." Scharnhorst chuckled, wiping a tear from her one eye.

"I should make you fully blind.." Hipper growled, looking away

"Jokes on you! I just wear this eyepatch because I want to!" Scharnhorst pulled up the eyepatch, showing a perfectly normal eye. "You are insufferable.." Hipper groaned.

"Well, You might have a huge target on your back, And an Important PR ship- wait where did she go?"

Hipper looked around, not spotting Anchorage."You weren't watching her?! You know she has the mental power of a fucking 6-year-old! Great going Scharny." Hipper ran out of the main building to look for the American heavy cruiser, worried about her.

"Hey! Wait up! Jeez.. she's not even a part of our faction and Hipper is treating her like she is! Jeez, maybe we should learn off of her there in Ironblood.." Scharnhorst said to herself, thinking about the kindness part of it, maybe Ironblood would be a lot less, As the kids call it these days "Edgy"

And the part where there's a ton of fucking porn of the faction, but she didn't decide to think about that for much longer.

"How hard can it be to find a damn heavy cruiser?!" Scharnhorst shouted, still looking around for Anchorage. "Damn it Hipper! Why are you so worried about her anyway?!"

"She has the mentality of a 4-year-old damn it! She can probably drink bleach and die!" Hupper responded, still looking around.

"We're ships! Not human." Scharnhorst said back, then noticing Hipper staring at her with a dumbfounded look on her face."You... Can't drink bleach, still, dumbass. It has happened way too many times like this isn't related at all but During that tide pod trend a few years back, Do you know how many destroyers stomachs I had to pump over that month?!"

"Ye-Yeah.. I get yer point, Doc.." Scharnhorst said nervously, making a mental note to not say some dumbshit like that again. "Wait, There she is. Is that Georgia over there? Yo! Georgia, Anchorage!" Scharnhorst shouted

"Scharny? It's been a while! Come on Anchorage, I think we found your parents." Georgia started to walk over toward the two, Anchorage slowly trotting behind the taller woman. "You know, You two really gotta look after your children. It's a dangerous place around here." Georgia laughed.

"I don't think we've met, but at this point, my names rang all over the port. I am Hipper Von Franz, current Iron Blood combat medic." Hipper put her hand out to shake towards the Planned Battleship.

"Names Georgia! And I can confirm, that news has gotten around fast. I would advise staying away from the Royal Navy girls, there's a rumor the Queen has a Target on your head, stay close to the Eagles and you don't have to worry about it, especially since you're harboring one of ours."

Georgia shook Hippers hand with a smile. "I think it's really brave what you did in that Meeting, standing up to her takes some real courage that no one has had before, but you of course, but you're not you anymore- Woah, Sorry I rambled there, But it was nice meeting you, I gotta party to plan with Seattle, I hope to see you there!" She then waved, walking off.

"Don't scare me like that again, Anchorage'' Hipper turned to the Mentioned ship, Squeezing her cheeks tightly "You had me worried sick, I don't want anything to happen to you, especially since you're under my care."

"Waah! You're so nice Hip-Hip! I promise I won't do it again!" Anchorage then rubbed her cheeks, after Hipper violently attacked them.

"Yeah, that's nice and all but I'm still hungry, can we go eat now?" Scharnhorst sighed, her stomach then rumbling a few moments later.

"Today has been eventful so far, why not." Hipper chuckled, the three then went to the mess hall to go eat after a very exciting morning.

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