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Naeva stared at the sleeping figure beside her. His usually slicked back hair was pointing towards different directions as multiple strand fell onto his cheek. He looked so peaceful and calm it was hard not to admire.

She should have left his room 30 minutes ago but his grip on her waist was too strong. She couldn't free herself even if she tried. She didn't mind though. Today was Sunday and she didn't have any classes. She also wasn't sure whether she was ready to go out after what happened yesterday.

How could she have been so stupid?

Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment and she buried her face deeper into Kace's chest. She owed him a thank you. Desmond too. But how?

Her eyes scanned the room for an idea until they landed on a door across the bed. She hadn't even noticed it before. Maybe it was a kitchen...or another room.

Naeva huffed with determination, wiggling in the strong boys arms until he let out an annoyed groan and rolled to the other side. She walked towards the door and twisted the knob, frowning when she realized it was locked.

The room was dark so she had to use her phone. She flashed the light across the room, hoping to find the key to the room and smiled when she saw a set hanging off a nail at the top corner of his shelf.

She recognized it as his room key and silently picked it up, making sure it didn't make a jingling sound that could wake him up. Naeva clutched the keys in her hand and tiptoed over to the locked door again.

She picked out a random key she thought fit and made to unlock the door.

Wasn't she snooping? She stopped. What if this wasn't a kitchen and she was invading his privacy.

But if it is a kitchen you could make him a thank you breakfast.

Her conscience persuaded. If it was a secret then she'd guard it her whole life and never tell anyone.

Naeva made that promise to herself and pushed the key into the hole. The lock clicked and the door opened.

It was a kitchen. A big one at that.

But why would Kace lock up his kitchen? She frowned as she walked up to the refrigerator standing beside the gas cooker. It was stocked with all kinds of foodstuff.

Maybe he didn't like to cook? She pondered.

Neava looked out the kitchen window and noticed the sun was rising. She quickly took out some pancake ingredients, checking the cupboards for things she couldn't find in the fridge and began making breakfast.

Kace would be so happy....

~ 🎗️ ~

The aroma of pancakes filled his nostrils, causing his stomach to growl painfully. Kace's eyes tore open as the bile rose up his throat and dashed into his bathroom to spew out the little content in his stomach.

There wasn't any, it was his body fluid and a little bit of blood. He probably should start taking his pills.

He splashed his face with some water and brushed his teeth before making his way out.

Kace's initial thought when he saw his kitchen door open was to grab the nearest weapon and find out who had invaded his home. It wasn't until he saw Naeva playing with whipped cream that his heart stopped racing.

" What are you doing?" He frowned, his eyes taking in the unfamiliar room.

He hadn't stepped into his kitchen since he got here, but his parents always ordered surplus groceries every month just to make sure he eats.

He always ended up giving them away and stocking the rest in the fridge.

Naeva walked up to him with a shy smile, whipped cream staining her cheeks and chin.

" I made breakfast to thank you for y-yesterday." She explained, gesturing towards the pancakes she had stacked on a plate.

A scowl took over his features as the events of yesterday flashed through his mind.

" Why would you follow a man like that into a hallway?" He squinted his eyes at her.

What would have happened if Des hadn't spotted her?

Naeva's smile curved downwards as she noticed his scowl.

" H-He was going to bring me to you. " She pouted sadly.

" I-I didn't know that he wanted to-"

" Forget it. Just be careful next time." Kace dismissed, walking over to the counter where Naeva had served the pancakes.

His stomach growled hungrily at the sight but he still didn't have the appetite.

" I'm s-sorry." Naeva came up slowly behind him.

" Don't be. " Kace replied, pretending to be distracted by the food in front of him. He wasn't going to see her cry again.

" But you're m-mad at me." Her big brown eyes met his.

" I'm not. Eat." He frowned.

Naeva's bottom lip pushed further as she silently served him three pancakes and three for herself.

She sprayed a considerable amount of whipped cream on hers before pushing the can over to him.

Kace's rolled his eyes at her behavior. She was being dramatic for no reason.

" I'm not mad at you, Naeva. Stop pouting." He frowned, slowly cutting a small bit of his breakfast.

It tasted good. Just what his stomach needed. But once he had eaten half of his first pancake he already felt full to the brim.

" You're not eating anymore?" Naeva's sad eyes met his.

" I'm full." He explained, pushing the plate forward.

" Please have some m-more. I made it for you." Her voice got smaller with each word as she avoided his gaze.

" I really am-"

" Please?" Her pout deepened.

Kace threw his head back and groaned. How was he supposed to keep his healthy schedule by eating more than he did?

" No." He stubbornly replied.

This was his place. He couldn't let a tiny woman dictate his life. His choices were his to make and no one else's. If  Naeva didn't like that, she would just have to deal with it.

He was always a man of his words.

" Please, Kace? J-Just one more." She clasped her small hands together, those brown eyes never leaving his.

Kace maintained his glare, hoping to prove his point but that only made her pout more. He needed to stop caving in to her desires. Even his mother didn't have such effect on him.

" I can give you some of my whipped cream if you w-want." She offered the most sincere smile he had ever seen.

At that moment Kace felt the virtual blows hit him hard. This wasn't a battle he could win.

" Okay."

He'd win next time. And it would feel frickin awesome.


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