cheater. | 😭 | ages: 19

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Rock star kyle and cheater Stan AU [😔]


kyle was hyped and excited for his concert, one Stan was going to go to.

Stan was laying in bed, moments later his alarm blared. He remembered the concert, groaning in annoyance. "Stupid shit ass alarm.."

Stan got up, throwing on a hoodie and his classic hat.

In the meanwhile, kyle was SUPER excited, he wrote a song just for Stan in secret. Stan knew he was writing a new song but kyle never told him.


Kyle was backstage, preparing his guitar. He tweaked around with the strings for a bit, giggling out of happiness..

Meanwhile, Stan was making out with Wendy somewhere in an alley. Stans phone buzzed, a call on his phone. It was kyle.

"Shit." He cussed, "what's wrong?" Wendy asked. "I need to go to kyles stupid concert." He said, walking to the concert, Wendy following. "I'll wait, stan~" Wendy said in a flirtatious tone, Stan blushed. He nodded and walked to kyles concert.

Kyle got on stage, searching for Stan in the crowd whilst his fans cheered for him. He saw Stan push through the crowd, getting in front. Kyle started to sing.

"Saw you at the high school,
I don't think we've met before
But it's so nice to meet you
How have I never seen you?

You were wearing a brown jacket,
Looking like the boy of my dreams
Caught the scent of your shampoo
Yeah, I think that I love you

Know we just met
I gotta confess
With you I don't see an end
'Cause you'll be the death of me
My greatest enemy
But for now

It's you and I
It's you and I
I see my life
In your eyes

Are you from another lifetime
Have you known me all along?
Or am I just wishful thinking
And I don't know you at all?

You could be a killer who's on the loose
The next day I'll end up on the news
Oh, I don't care you can call me a fool
'Cause I got a good feeling about
You and I

It's you and I
I see my life
In your eyes
Know we just met
I gotta confess

With you I don't see an end
'Cause you'll be the death of me
My greatest enemy
But for now

It's you and I
It's you and I
I see my life
In your eyes.."

As Kyle finished singing, all his fans started to cheer, but Stan was gone.. He felt an aching pain in his chest. He waved goodbye to his fans first, "thank you all for being here!"

Kyle went on a walk searching for Stan, he heard noises.. Kissing? He peeked, his heart shattered into a million pieces as he saw Stan and Wendy having a full on make out session.

"Stan.. What the fuck..?" Stan and Wendy stopped kissing, stans eyes widened. "Baby! Its- it's not what you think.. " Kyle felt hot tears fall down his cheeks.

"You bastard.. I made a whole fucking song for you, I cared for you, loved you, I FUCKING STAYED BY YOUR SIDE, OUR WHOLE GODDAMN LIVES! HOW COULD YOU?!" Kyle was sobbing, Stan felt guilty. "We're over. " Kyle choked out, running away from Stan.

Stan fell to his knees. "Who needs that gay fag anyways.. You have me stan~" stand got up. "You're right.." Stan looked at Wendy. "Cmon, I'll walk you home."


Kyle ran home, tears refusing to stop. He burst into the house, falling to his knees and sobbing hard. "Bubby! What- what happened dear.." His mother helped him up, comforting him as he sobbed into her shoulder. Ike stared, not knowing what to do. He hugged his big brother. "He cheated on me.." Kyle cried out, "shh.. Bubby, it's okay.. You'll find someone else.. Someone better." Ike nodded, still hugging Kyle. "Y-Youre right mom. Thanks.."


Lmaooo the end bitches soz I haven't posted in awhile I haven't been getting good sleep and like I've been procrastinating 😔.. and I got into a huge fight which made me even more depressed lol 🥲‼️

style oneshots~ ! 💫Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora