Chapter 15

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I sighed as I read the letter, poor Beanie. Just as her her mother seemed to be getting better.

Amina's face held a sad expression. The usual twinkle in her eyes quite put out, and even Daisy looked troubled.

The room was quite silent.

"I suppose a few good things have come out of that letter," Daisy said, breaking the silence, "Kitty has finally apologised to me, and I've just had an idea as to who Lavinia has been writing too."

"And we'll have help solving the case! That will be helpful. Those three are excellent detectives!" I added.

Daisy rolled her eyes, "I suppose. We need to go and see George, though."

"Why -" I grinned, as I'd just realised why, " Oh! I can't wait."

Amina chuckled, "There's nothing better than revenge, especially if it includes teasing people."

We all laughed at that, and Daisy dragged us through the door.

She winked at us as she knocked smartly on the shiny door

Alexander opened it, looking both embarrassed and confused. I guessed George has been teasing him about something.

"Are you three, ok? Daisy, you look happy. Who's died now?" He asked, half-sarcastically.

"We need George. We've discovered something very interesting!" Daisy pushed past him to find George with an eyebrow raised.

"Daisy, has anyone ever told you how loud you are?"

"No, and nobody will!" She said proudly.

"I tell you quite frequently, you just don't listen to me!" Amina stuck her tongue out at Daisy, whose cheeks turned slightly pink.

"So. George. Have you been writing to anyone lately?" I asked innocently.

I saw Alex stifle a laugh behind his hand and immediately knew Daisy's suspicions were correct

"Yes, my mother and father, my brother. Why?" George's eyes looked slightly panicked.

"Oh, so not any girls then?" Alexander slyly put in.

I grinned at him, trying not to laugh.

George was looking unusually flustered, "Alex! You're supposed to be on my side! So what if I have, I don't  have to tell you girls anything!"

Alex walked to stand next to me, and I could hardly contain my laughter at this point.

"How strange! So you don't know any girls called.. hm, let me think. Lavinia?" Amina's shoulders were shaking from suppressed giggles.

Daisy stepped in, "You wouldn't happen to know that she is coming here soon, would you?"

George flung himself facedown onto his bed.

"Probably to hide his red face." Alexander said to me before he prodded George on the back, "Get up, they would've found out sooner or later, Hazel is awfully smart."

"Yes! It's awful, I agree." George moaned.


Daisy was watching the scene unfold with a slight smile on her face.

"What?" Demanded George, who'd just sat up.

"Love. It's a funny thing. I'm glad I'll never fall in love."

Amina's eyes lost their twinkle again, for just a moment.

"Oh, yes you will, Daisy Wells. I look forward to the day you fall in love. It might happen sooner than you think. Or perhaps it's already happened." George said knowingly.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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