Chapter 8

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"OH PLUM-FACEEE, IT'S NEARLY DINNER TIME" Daisy shouted into the wall, still looking flawless, even with her face smushed up against the wall. I don't know how she does it.

"Yes! Hurry up boys, I'm hungry!" I groaned, I could smell the food!


I could hear the door open quickly and George laughing rather loudly.

Daisy opened the door forcefully and glared out of the doorway, "You idiot!" She hissed, "You scared my Watson!" and then some words which I couldn't quite make out, but left Alexander looking quite red.

"Um.. sorry to interrupt what I'm sure is important Daisy but can we please go and eat! I'm starving!" My stomach grumbled as I spoke, "There. Do you want any more proof?"

I saw Daisy try to hide a smile as she took my arm and grandly led us to the dinner hall.

"You will always be my Watson, won't you Hazel? I never want to loose you. Especially not to a stupid boy." Daisy whispered into my ear.

I faked a gasp, "What is this? Is the Honourable Daisy Wells feeling.. emotional?!"

"Don't get used to it." She punched me lightly on the arms before turning behind us, "Why do the boys walk so slowly? HURRY UP!"

"Don't roll your eyes at me George!" Daisy said, after she had turned back to me.

"How does she always know?" George muttered to Alexander, who made a faint agreeing noise, but I could tell his mind was on something else completely.

I mentioned this to Daisy, but she simply laughed, "Oh my dear Hazel, can you not tell what it is?"

She shook her head and sighed, "Seeing as you are almost a better detective than me, I would've thought you'd have guessed. It seems I was wrong for the very first time in my life!"

I snickered, this was certainly not true, but I decided not to oppose Daisy's opinion of herself, for that would most definitely not go down very well.

"Here we are!" Daisy said, rather grandly, pushing the heavy, wooden doors that led to the dining hall open.

Alexander walked next to me and put out his arm, "May I?" He winked as I put my hand on his arm.

"You may, kind sir,' I laughed as he guided us through the (very fancy, if I do say so myself) door.

I could hear George and Daisy whispering infront of us, and they both cracked up in laughter.

"What do you think they are talking about?" Asked Alexander.

I looked at him thoughtfully, "To be honest, it's probably best we don't know!" I laughed.

"You have a nice laugh Hazel" Alexander said suddenly, and then immediately fell quiet.

"Oh, thank you! Yours is lovely too!" I grinned at him, pretending that my heart was not beating a million times per minute.

I thought I was doing very well until Alexander whispered, "Hazel, you look very red, are you feeling alright?"

"Oh no, I'm fine thanks!" My voice seemed to be a lot higher than usual. Thankfully at that moment, Daisy saved me.

"Right, should we sit here? It was a lovely view of.. well, cars!" She said triumphantly.

"Of course, me and Alex love staring at cars while we eat, don't we Alex?" George said sarcastically.

"Well, since you aren't doing much to find a table, the least you could do is help!" Daisy playfully elbowed him the ribs.

"OW! Daisy that hurt!"

"Oops" Daisy giggled innocently, "I didn't mean to!"

"I know full well that you most certainly did" George muttered.

Daisy just rolled her eyes, "It wasn't even that hard!" It's at times like this when I truly realise how amazing at acting she is, our week at the Rue really improved her, even I could barely tell she was being sarcastic!

That's probably one of the reasons why she's the better detective, I am hopeless at acting!

"Right.. should we sit down then?" Alexander said hesitantly.

"Only if I can sit next to Hazel." Daisy looked at Alexander to see if there was any reaction from him, which there wasn't.

Daisy nabbed the seat next to the window, of course, and I plonked myself down next to her.

The variety of different smells was astonishing! I could smell cake, casserole, and pie!

All very English foods though, I don't want to sound ungrateful but I must say, sometimes I wish there was more food from Hong Kong in England.

Perhaps when I grow up I shall work on having more diversity in food. Of course,  that's if I have any time whilst I'm at Bletchley Park.

"So. Had anyone decided what they would like yet?" Alexander spoke, snapping me out of my food trance.

I do seem to be having a lot of those recently, food trances, I mean. Perhaps I'm just hungry.

"I'm not particularly hungry, so I'm just going to have a ham sandwich and a scone for afters," Daisy said thoughtfully.

"Ooh, I might join you with that!" I sighed happily thinking of how delicious that scone would be when I got to it.

Turns out, I wouldn't have much time to enjoy my meal after all.



Uh. So hello! How is everyone? I'm so so so so sorry for not updating for, like, a million years! I have had NO motivation whatsoever, which has been very annoying!


I know I always say this, but I am going to try and update at least once a week from now on. Thank you for all being patient with me LMAO

Also, I'm sorry if there are any grammar or spelling problems. When I finish this book (which won't be for a while!) I will make sure to edit every single chapter so that it makes sense!

-Amelie <3

Date: Friday 24th February
Time: 00:09 AM
Word Count: 1013 words <3

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