Chapter 4

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"I can't believe you haven't made up with Kitty yet!" I said, me and Daisy were sitting on the roof of Deepdean, "We are off to Devon tomorrow!"

"Hazel, I'm sure you know by now, when I am annoyed with people I do tend to hold a grudge! I have no plan to make up with.. her.. anytime soon!"

I sighed, I knew I couldn't change her mind, Daisy could be very stubborn!

"Well then, I will change the subject since you are being quiet! The trip! I've asked Lavinia to ask Clementine to ask Amina about the place we are going to! And Amina told.. I'm not saying it again but apparently the hotel opened a few months ago.

"And we are moments away from the sea! I say, it will be marvellous!" Daisy finished

"Why didn't you just ask Amina yourself?" Did I just see Daisy blush for a split second?!

"Umm.." for once she was speechless, "She's in the other dorm! We are supposed to be enemies,"

I doubted that was why, but I decided to move on, "Aren't you excited to see Alexander and George again?"

"George yes, Alexander, well, not so much" she muttered, rolling her eyes

"What is your problem with Alexander!" I asked, I certainly saw no problems with him.

"I've told you a million times Watson! His arms are to long! He annoys me in a way I just can't explain," Daisy sighed

"His arms are perfectly fine!" I exclaimed, feeling a hot flush creep up my neck

Daisy said nothing, but smirked most annoyingly.

"Oh, look at the time! Time for bed!" I said in a high-pitched voice, getting up from beside the chimney.

"You don't have a watch Hazel, besides it's the last day of term tomorrow, the teachers really don't care what we do, they just want to get out of the school," Daisy said seriously, but following me to the window.

We climbed into the dorm, very quietly so we didn't wake the others.

"Night Hazel!" Daisy whispered

"Goodnight Daisy," I said and fell fast asleep.


Daisy woke up bright and early the next morning, so she, of course, had to wake me up.

"COME ON Hazel! We don't have time for sleep! A great detective never sleeps!" She said, shaking me.

"Alright, alright, I'm up!" I muttered, stretching and sitting up.

I sighed as I realised that the day would mainly spent packing (for Daisy, not me: I had already finished mine).

"Good morning everyone! Up you get! Come on, now!" Shouted Matron, waking  Lavinia, Beanie and Kitty up. Lavinia grumbled and went back to sleep, as did Kitty.

Beanie, however was wide awake, "Hello Hazel, Daisy! Guess what? I get to visit Mummy in hospital tomorrow, apparently she is getting better! I knew the doctors were wrong!" She said excitedly.

"Oh Beans, that's amazing!" I said, smiling.

"Yes, it is isn't it! I can't wait to see her! What about you and Daisy? What are you doing?"

I explained our plans to her and she listened, her big brown eyes widening.

"Wow! That sounds so fun! It's a shame Kitty won't make up with Daisy though.." Beanie said, her mouth drooping a little.

"Yes, it is isn't it," I said thoughtfully.

Kitty woke up again at that moment so we dropped the subject, but I wasn't really listening to what Beanie said. I was trying to figure out of plan to make Daisy and Kitty become friends again.

I decided to go and find Daisy, she had somehow slipped out of the room without me noticing.

After about 15 minutes I found her, sitting on the brick wall, chattering away to a 6th year.

"Daisy! There you are! Hello Astrid. Come on Daisy, you need to get packing!"

Daisy huffed, said goodbye to the sixth former and slid off the wall, in a most unladylike manner.

"Hazel! Don't tell me you actually think I haven't packed yet! I did it this morning, when you were snoring your head off!" She said, grinning.

I shook my head and laughed, "I don't snore!"

Oh yes you do!" She teased, "I'm telling Alexander!"

"You will not!" I said, my face getting hot.

"Hm, maybe I will, maybe I won't! We will have to see, won't we!" Daisy said.


The rest of the day went by in a flash, and soon it was time to say our goodbyes, some a little icy in Daisy and Kitty's case.

As we stepped onto the train that would take us to Plymouth (where the hotel was) I felt, well, excited! I was going to see Alexander again! I'd missed him so much!

Daisy pulled me along into our compartment, which was freshly laid with all sorts of cakes and drinks.

I stared at it longingly until Daisy said, "Oh alright Hazel! You can have some, but spare some for me!"

I picked up a chocolate orange and began eating it, enjoying the taste of it.

I'm not sure when, but I must have fallen asleep at some point, because within what felt like minutes Daisy was shaking me, "Come on Hazel! Wake up! We're here!"

Daisy never sleeps on public transport, she says it's not good for her 'image' whatever that means!

I looked out of the window, ignoring Daisy's impatient voice telling me to hurry up.

Somewhere in that crowd were Alexander and George! I couldn't wait to see them again.

I got out of my seat and followed Daisy out of the train.

I couldn't wait to see Alexander (and George, of course)

936 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘴! The amount is certainly going up! I hope you enjoyed that chapter :) I might not update until Tuesday, because I have a maths AND French test on Monday '_'
I will update tomorrow hopefully (Sunday)

Have a lovely day! ♡︎

-Amelie. ❤︎           8.10.22

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