Chapter 13

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As we walked into the dining hall, I was struck by how normal everyone was acting!

Perhaps these strangers just couldn't read... but then again, the announcement was plastered along the wall of every corridor I could see.

"Stay vigilant, Hazel," Daisy whispered, "Any of these people could have a murder on their conscience."

The thought made me feel slightly queasy, but I nodded.

"Well then, shall we find a table?" Daisy said brightly to us all.

"What a good idea," George said loudly, and then dropped his voice, "Keep an eye out for anyone suspicious!"

Alexander walked next to me, "Have you found any leads?" He whispered in my ear, his breath warming me.

"Not yet. I'm sure that we will stumble across something sooner or later, we always do!" I whispered back.

He smiled warmly at me, "You are really clever, Hazel, you do know that, don't you?"

"Well... not as clever as Daisy, but yes, I suppose so," I stammered and then cursed myself.

Why do I find I can never speak properly when he's around?

"You are most definitely as clever as Daisy! It's thanks to you that all of the murderers have been brought to justice! If you ask me, I think you and Daisy make a perfect team." He said earnestly.

I blushed, "Thank you so much! But honestly, it was mainly Daisy who cracked the cases at the end."

Alexander raised his blonde eyebrows, "Nonsense!"

I couldn't think of anything to say to that, so I was very relieved when Daisy exclaimed, "Aha, I've found a table!"

George cleared his throat, "You mean, I have found a table?"

"No, I mean that I have found a table. Do your ears work properly?" Daisy rolled her eyes.

I sighed, "Let's just sit down! It's an amazing idea, I know, so let's all do it."

"Good idea! Let me just finish this discussion with George, and I'll be right with you," Daisy said.

I gave her a look, and she grumbled but slid into the seat next to me.

Alexander grinned at me and leant over the table, "Well done,"

Hopefully my face wasn't too red.

George winked at me, having noticed the exchange. I glared at him, causing him to laugh.

Alexander coughed, "Anyways... breakfast. What's everyone having?" He said awkwardly.

"Hash browns," Daisy said immediately.

"Just hash browns?" I laughed.

"Well, of course. Hash browns are delicious Hazel!"

"Well, each man to his own I guess," Alexander shrugged.

"In case you hadn't noticed yet, I'm a woman," Daisy muttered.

"Really? I'd never noticed! Gosh Alex, did you know that?" George said in mock-sarcasm.

"Curse you and how good your ears are!" Daisy grumbled.

George grinned, "Just one of the many amazing things about me."

Alexander laughed, "I'll take your word for it."

I giggled and then hid behind then menu.

From the corner of my eye I noticed Daisy raise an eyebrow at George, and him smirking.

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