9. Darkblade

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(This chapter is based on Darkblade, featuring Evie with some changes) 

Evie walked into the family apartment. It had been a long day at school.

To make matters worse, Hawkmoth sent another Akuma.

"Hi, Mum," Evie said. "I'm home."

"How was school?" Her Mum asked as she gave her daughter a cuddle.

"It was good. The class rep elections are starting tomorrow," Evie replied.

"Thats nice. Are you going to run?" Her Mum asked.

"No, I haven't been at the school long enough," Evie replied. "I'm not really interested in being part of the student rep team anyway."

*** The following day, Evie arrived at school. She took her seat next to Nathaniel in Miss Bustier's class.

"Chloe is running for the class representative position and Sabrina will be her deputy. Do we have any other candidates?" Miss Bustier asked.

Evie noticed that some of the people in her class looked hesitant about putting their hands up. Kim was one of them.

"Alright, I will give all of you till the end of lunch to decided it you would like to be a candidate," Miss Bustier said as the bell rang.

*** At lunch, Evie went to find Caragh.

"Are you going to run for class rep?" Evie asked.

"Yeah. I wish that you could be my deputy but we are not in the same class," Caragh said.

"It's a shame. How many are running?" Evie asked.

"Four others, I think," Cargah replied.

"Oh, Chloe's the only one from my class that's running," Evie said.

"Chloe has been the class rep for the past two years. Why don't you run?" Caragh asked.

"I haven't been here long enough," Evie replied.

"I don't think that matters. Anyone can apply," Caragh said.

"I'm not really interested in the role. The other schools I have been to had similar roles," Evie said. "I never put my name down for them."

"How many schools have you been to?" Caragh asked.

"Well, I think four schools. I don't really remember the exact number," Evie replied. "My dad works for a global newspaper with offices in several different countries. He gets the opportunity to move around and work out of different offices."

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