4. Bubbler

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Evie had finished getting ready for another day at school.

She was about to leave when she remembered that it was Adrien's birthday.

"Mum, do we have any birthday cards?" Evie asked as she stood outside her parent's room. Her Mum didn't start work till later.

"I think so, I will have a look," Evie's Mum replied, "If not I can give you some money to get one on the way home from school. Who's birthday is it?"

"Adrien Agreste's," Evie replied, "He's the son of Gabriel Agreste, the fashion designer. I thought it would be nice to give him a card."

"Wait that's the boy that's on most of the bus stops and billboards. I didn't know he went to your school," Evie's Mum said.

"Adrien joined around the same time as me. He's a nice boy," Evie said, "From what I've heard he's never been to school before. He was homeschooled by his father assistant."

"Oh, I see," Evie's Mum said as she took a box out from the cupboard, "Here we are Birthday Cards."

"Thanks Mum, you're the best," Evie said as she hugged her Mum. She took a card from the box.

"Have a good day at school, Evie," Her Mum said.

"See you after school," Evie replied as she left the apartment.

*** Time Skip. Evie and Caragh walked out of school. It was lunchtime and lots of the students went home during this time.

"Did everything work out with Marinette?" Caragh asked.

"Yeah, it did. We are friends now and even spent a Saturday together a few weeks ago," Evie replied.

"That was when Stormy Weather attacked the city," Caragh said.

"It was. The three of us were in the park when it happened. Actually, Alya and a girl that Marinette babysits got trapped on the merry-go round. It was scary," Evie said. "At least Ladybug, Chat Noir and Snow Leopard were able to stop Stormy Weather and turn her back to normal."

"I'm glad we have three superheroes to keep the city safe from Hawkmoth," Caragh said. "I have to say out of the three Snow Leopards my favourite."

"Really, I'm a fan of Chat Noir," Evie admitted as she noticed Marinette standing in front of Adrien. She looked nervous. "Look, there's Marinette. I wonder what she's doing?"

"It looks like she's trying to speak to Adrien or give him a gift," Caragh said.

"It's his birthday," Evie said, "I wonder how this is going to play out."

Evie watched as Marinette went over to Adrien and tried to give him the gift but Chloe pushed her out of the way.

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