8. Wifi Trouble

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(This chapter is based on LadyWifi, featuring Evie with some changes.) 

Evie sat in Miss Bustier's literature class. She enjoyed these lessons as she got to learn about different texts and authors.

"I'm very pleased with how you all did on your last assignment. Some of you have really stepped up and I do appreciate it. Now it's time to move on to our next assignment," Miss Bustier told her students. "Is Marinette still in the girls room?"

Evie looked at the empty spot next to Alya. Marinette hadn't come back to class.

"I don't know Miss," Alya replied as the bell rang.

Evie packed her things away and Miss Bustier gave them homework.

"Tonight I want you all to read chapter three of 'The Breathtaking France, the First Thousand Years.' Then, answer this simple questionnaire."

Evie took her sheet and walked out of the classroom.


Evie tried to ring Marinette but it went to voicemail.

"Have you seen Marinette?" Alya asked as she walked past Evie.

"Not since this morning," Evie replied. "Is it normal for her to miss classes?"

"Marinette does have a habit of being late for school but that's in the mornings," Alya said. "I'm going to take her things home for her. I'll see you tomorrow Evie."


The following morning, Evie arrived at school. She made her way to the locker room. Chloe, Sabrina, Kim, Nino and Alya were already there.

Evie was about to open her locker when she noticed Nino almost falling into Chloe's locker.

"Did you see Ladybug last night? Isn't she amazing. I wonder who she really is?" Nino said.

"Up too late DJ-ing Nino? Obviously you didn't get your beauty sleep," Chloe replied.

Chloe put some items in her locker.

"Chloe, Alya's looking in your locker," Sabrina said.

"Uhh, that's a lie. I so was not," Alya said

"I don't think there's a rule that stops other people from looking at an open locker," Evie said.

"I wasn't asking," Chloe snapped at Evie.

Evie walked out of the locker room.

"Seriously," Evie thought to herself as she entered the classroom.


During class, Evie kept looking at the two empty seats in front of her. Alya hadn't shown up for class. Evie was worried that something had happened to her. She makes sure that the teacher's back was turned before tapping Nino on the shoulder.

"What happened to Alya?" Evie whispered.

"She's been suspended," Nino replied.

"Why?" Evie asked Nino.

"She was accused of breaking into Chloe's locker," Nino replied. "Trying to get proof that she's Ladybug for her blog."

"Wait, Alya thinks that Chloe's Ladybug," Evie said.

"Evie, Nino, is there something that you would like to share with the class?" Miss Bustier asked.

"No, sorry Miss," Nino replied.

"No, sorry Miss," Evie added.


Marinette eventually arrived but Miss Bustier sent her to Mr Damocle's office for disrupting the class.

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