Chapter 6: Alcina Dimitrscu

Mulai dari awal

Blue: Okay, let's roll

I managed to enter through the main doors and explored some of the rooms of the castle, it was an old looking castle but It was kept in a good condition. I wondered who lived here and remembered that one of the Lords would probably be chilling here.

Blue: Yeah, I guess I forgot that life isn't easy.

Eveline: Oh wow, I wonder how you found out?

Blue: Shut it

I enter a lobby type area and found a picture of three girls.

Blue: Huh, wonder if they live here? I wonder if they know if Rose is here?

It was quiet around us but then I heard a buzzing noise, I looked at my hand and saw a fly.

Blue: Oh hello Mister fly! My name is Blue!

Eveline: Idiot! Focus!

???: Blue? That's a cute name~

Blue: Thank you Mister Fly!

???: I'm not the fly~

Blue: Wait.....what?

I looked behind me to see a a bunch of flies forming into three different girls who looked identical.


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The Other Winters [Male OC x RE Harem]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang