"Mhm." With your jaw up, you try your best to maintain false indifference. "I think I'll clue them in on how much you like to cuddle in the morning." You struggle to collect confidence in your current, restricted, state.

"Very funny." His jaw steels and he runs a finger over your throat, anticipating something. "You got your tongue back."

"Had it run away?" You avoid his eyes, his assessing gaze burning into your skin.

His brow creases. "I believe I may have scared it away momentarily, yes."

You have to fight not to roll your eyes. "Perhaps it was the violence."

You'd tried to be snarky, but it's rendered useless when he agrees, in a low, smoky voice, "perhaps."

His frustratingly casual demeanour has a way of getting under your skin and infecting you. It seeps through your blood like he's injecting his darkness into you, and you hate that you can feel yourself enraptured by this corrupt, twisted side of the Force. It holds you steady inside... yet breaks you open every second you feel strongly.

"You know I hate you." Your teeth gritted, staring straight ahead, you have to suck in some air when Kylo steps in front of you. He takes you by the throat, and you watch carefully as his tongue darts over his bottom lip. His hand feels stable against your pulse, threatening, and while he is eyeing you up like you're a snack - you're imagining what it'd feel like to slap him right now. Or kiss him. Or both...

"I know you do not, in fact." The arrogance behind his smooth words ticks that darkness off inside of you, his thumb pressed just below your ear with a shockingly comforting amount of pressure.

The black in your veins is calm, and you let it seep into your voice as you speak. "Neither do you." You meet his eyes, and they seemed to flicker with excitement.

"I never claimed to hate you, little Padawan." As he observes you, his jaw tenses, and you work on the Force hold he has on you. You use that dark seeping liquid in your mind and you boil it to its extent, feeling the power within you, fuelled by negative energy it buzzes and zaps through your bones.

"You can't call me that once my braid is gone." You dip your eyes down to his robes, concentrating on your task, on the Force that secures you, and he squeezes your throat, making you return your head almost instantly.

"So you will remove it, then?" Kylo's face remains flat, devoid of emotion, but a spark lights in the Force - you can feel something rising, and its bright, and distracting and annoyingly warm. You brush it off, working in the shadows to release yourself and attempting to ignore the stirring anxiety flooding your chest. Your mind is racing, convinced he'd cut the braid even without your permission.

"You do it. Get it over with." You squeeze your eyes shut, but a caress over your leg makes you open them immediately. Kylo has found the slit in your dress scarily fast, his fingers sliding over your inner thigh before you can even think of changing your mind. You're skirmish, trying to maintain your grip of control in the Force attempting to free yourself of this hold you're in.

"Where is that pesky dagger?" You can hear the smirk in his drawl as his touch moves closer and closer between your legs. You have to keep your mind on the prize.

"I'm not in the mood." You face the wall away from him, your mind set on releasing yourself. Your power is combining, building itself around his, ready to break it, slowly increasing in strength the clearer and more certain you continue to think.

"No?" His finger edges the rim of your panties, and you can feel yourself slip a little. You're wet. He's so close to your clit you could cry from lack of stimulation, despite him only now venturing there. The knowledge of the pleasure he could give you... fuck. You want him.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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