15 - No.

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Cardo says nothing, and for a moment you think he'll just ignore you.

Instead, he reaches into his belt and pulls out a small knife, holding it out with the handle pointed toward you.

This feels like a trap.

You reach for it, not caring if he'll pull it away at the last minute. At least you'd have tried.

You almost smile when your fingers touch the handle, grasping it in your hand with relief. He lets go, and you hold the knife in place with uncertainty.

"Thank you." You inspect the knife. It's strangely beautiful. The handle is carved wood, with intricate details that you run your thumb over to feel the grooves of.

"You're not a threat." He says, matter of factly. You're almost offended until you realise this might be exactly what you'd hoped. Trust.

Or he knows how dangerous they all truly are. He knows theres no hope for you, even with a knife. He doesn't see you as anything but weak.

"You're willing to take that risk?" You challenge, spinning the knife in your fingers expertly. He seems to falter, his body language changing slightly. He hadn't expected you to do that.

"Easy, girl." He points at you. "Don't forget where you are." His voice sounds exactly what you'd imagine a bears voice to sound like.

"Hell." You contemplate, a flat voice, running your thumb over the blade.

When he doesn't answer, you take the opportunity to pry. "What's with all the... gear?"

"What's with Ren's clothes?" He growls. You don't flinch. It's fair enough.

"I haven't been given anything to wear."

You watch him organise some weapons on the wall. It's unlocked. You're itching to take this opportunity.

You tuck the knife into the waistband of your shorts, "So? You just feel like carrying around an arsenal for fun, or what?"

With a snip through the air, theres a blade at your throat, the sharp point tickling the delicate skin. You keep still, eyes wide.

The blade is massive, a sword of sorts, though much thicker... you've never seen anything like it. The sharp edge is curved at some points, like it's designed to cut in the most painful way possible.

Cardo doesn't seem emotional. His face is placid, like he's simply showing you what his weapons are for.

"I didn't mean any disrespect." Your heart is banging against your ribs, but you keep your voice steady. Your hand inches toward the knife in your shorts, just in case this is an emotional reaction and you're actually in danger.

"Lets just say you're lucky I'm not allowed to kill you." He contemplates, scratching the tip of the knife along your neck. "I'm bored."

You try to control your shaky knees. Alright. Not an emotional response, but he has a blatant disregard for life, and you're clearly fun to mess with.

Cardo retracts the sword, putting it back into its holster on his back and returning to the weapons on the wall. Your anger bubbles under your skin.

The Knights have been testing you. They see you as a toy. An amusement.

Why is it that they get to threaten you? You shouldn't have to put up with it.

Something urges you.

Something... hidden. Like its peering over your shoulder, but every-time you go to look... it's gone.

DEFIANT • kylo ren (18+)Where stories live. Discover now