27 - Forgive me.

389 17 11

"I don't know, Vic. This is not our problem."

"Not our problem, my ass."

The Knights voices awake you from a slumber so deep you can feel your body moulding into the mattress.

"We should do something, at least."

You keep your eyes closed, wanting to savour the coma you've been pulled from.

"Do something? Do what, exactly?"

With your cheek against the pillow, you wonder how long you slept for. It genuinely feels like days. Your shoulder feels sore from laying on your side and your lips are chapped.

"I don't know, I-"

You want to stretch and get a drink and brush your teeth but you're just too curious about what the Knights are like without your presence.

"Sit the fuck down and listen to me."

Mm, violence. You could've guessed that one.

Sounds like Vicrul, Cardo and Ap'lek are fighting for dominance. You're too sleepy to tell exactly who's who and what they're talking about.

"She's been out for too long, and she'll need food and water soon. Those are the facts."

"We have bigger problems than thi-"

"No." Vicruls calm tone is so easy to settle the others. "No, it is not logical to ignore her."

"Logical." A huff follows. "Nothing about going near her is logical. Especially when Ren's like this."

Oh. So, this is about Kylo.

How long could it have possibly been? It's strange, you don't remember falling asleep.

"He'd be much worse if she were to be neglected."

"It's his fucking fau-"

"Do not finish that sentence unless you would like a swift punishment."

The room goes silent.

"I apologise."

You peek an eye open, only to see that you're facing the window. The snow seems to be fluttering harder than usual, swirling in raging whirls of wind.

You shut your eyes again, trying to swallow but your throat is too dry.

"Do whatever you'd like. I'm getting a drip and a nurse if this is going to continue." Ap'lek seems closer to you now as he explains his plan.

You open your eyes and turn.

He is stood at your side. As you rub your eyes, you go to speak. Your throat croaks. His brows furrow, and he murmurs something under his breath before heading past the bed and into the kitchen.

You follow him with your eyes. You were right, it is Vicrul and Cardo that are stood opposite each other beside the bed. They're both looking at you now, serious frowns etched into their expressions.

You look down at yourself, moving to sit up properly. You're wearing different clothes than you remember. Strange.

Ap'lek returns with a glass of water. You take it, sending him a grateful look and gulping as much of the water down as you can stomach. When you're done, you place it next to the bed and clear your throat.

"What's going on?" You ask weakly, and Vicrul steps toward you.

"Ren sent you to sleep roughly 24 hours ago. There were attempts to wake you, but, none were successful."

"Sent me to sleep?" A nod. "He left me without water?" Another nod.

You run your fingers along your forehead, soothing your headache with a soft massaging touch.

DEFIANT • kylo ren (18+)Where stories live. Discover now