02 - You need to watch that mouth of yours.

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You wake with a shriek, a nightmare so heavy your forehead beads with sweat. Your hair sticks to you, palms as clammy as your face. Your throat burns ever so slightly, and you force yourself to drink from the measly tap to the right of you.

How long were you out? The lingering angst from the horrid dream is still prevalent, tension prickling up your arms.

Today you will escape. They have to feed you as some point, and this is when you'll strike. Your eyes flicker to the camera in the corner of the cell, wondering when they plan to interrogate you.

If you can get your hands on a lightsaber, or a blaster, you might have a chance.

Your stare burns into the door for what feels like hours before it is opened, they must have fixed and re fortified it while you were asleep.

Finally, the unmistakable armour of a stormtrooper appears in the small crack. Without a second thought you jump to your feet, disregarding the stabbing headache, crossing the room to where the trooper holds out a plastic meal holder with a single apple and two slices of bread discarded across it. Instead of taking the tray as you act as though you'd wanted, you grip the wrist of the stormtrooper, yanking him toward you and twisting with all the strength you can muster.

He calls out, using his other hand to grab his blaster pistol. Already having anticipated this, you manage to block the blaster, grabbing it and forcing it upwards - the blast shooting above your head instead. Even the small noise is painful for your throbbing scull.

You reach your leg forwards, kicking the trooper backwards with a grunt and onto his back where the blaster scatters to the floor of the hallway. You scramble towards it, finally securing it and pointing it towards him without hesitation while you gasp for breath on the floor, one knee on the ground.

You could have done this ten times better back in training with your full strength, but this will have to do.

Your hands shake as you notice the scuffle has caught the attention of more guards down the hall. Reluctantly, you decide to rush to your unsteady feet and run in the other direction.

Not your brightest moment, but fine.

Neglecting the yells behind you, you turn at the next fork, sliding slightly in your socks and pressing your back up against the wall around the corner. You wish you had some fucking shoes on.

Next, you whip your head to the left, then right, violently checking for signs of more guards.

Shit. To the right a stormtrooper stands, pressing information into some sort of data-pad. Please don't turn around.

You scan the hallway, knowing you have to be quick, the previous stormtroopers steps are getting closer and closer.

That's it, you decide to slip into what you hope is a cupboard beside you. As you shut the door and turn around, you can finally breathe a sigh of relief at the sight of cleaning supplies and switched off droids. You inspect the blaster in your hand in the dark, through the crack of light the door allows. You think this is a SE-44C, but you're unsure. You were never very good at studying the enemy, which is becoming more and more frustrating as you find yourself in these situations, but you've always been great with blasters.

Hopefully this will help you get to an escape pod. Or maybe you could figure out how to fly a ship.

You can feel your pulse beating against your skin as the dreaded troopers steps walk past the door you're pressed against.

You wait.

Heavy footsteps pass again, and once more until you hear them tread further into the distant maze of hallways.

DEFIANT • kylo ren (18+)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora