08 - I'm not aware of what you're referring to.

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You're not sure what to do.

Not that for a second you ever have been since you woke up here.

Kylo came to get you early this morning, leading you to the training room instantly. He seems tenser than usual today, after leaving you alone all of yesterday.

So now here you stand, still in the cami from the night before and your underwear. He wouldn't let you put any clothes on, ordering you to follow him.

You're watching him at the data-pad now, he's wearing all black attire, thankfully one layer. You can't help but gawk at him sometimes when he's not in his full Kylo Ren get-up. He's so... touchable. You're watching his biceps as he clicks something which makes an ear-piercing beep, which snaps you out of it.

You're cold now, your impatience growing by the second, "I'm going to put some clothes on." You mumble, heading straight for the door.

He holds out his arm as you get there, trying to walk past him, but his palm stays steady on your chest to halt you.

You look to him with a frown, this is so fucking stupid.

"You expect me to work out in my underwear?"

Kylo's gaze isn't on you, it's still on whatever the hell he's messing around with on the wall.

"Yes." He's not even fazed.

"Fuck you, Kylo. I'm not here to be your eye candy." You push his hand away and go to touch the data-pad to open the door.

He catches your wrist. You squirm, trying to yank it away, then darting your other hand to the data-pad as a back up.

He catches that wrist too, and now he's focused on you again.

Kylo pushes your back to the wall, effortlessly, using your wrists to guide you and pinning your arms level with your head. Your breath hitches as he scrutinises you from a safe distance, holding you back like he's pinning a poster.

"You will never call me that again, understand?" He orders condescendingly, squeezing against your wrists painfully. You want to shrink into the wall, what else do you call him? Commander?

"That will do fine. Are you going to calm down now?" He sucks his cheeks in, trying to contaminate rage. Such a silly thing to be mad about.

"No, Commander. Are you?" You retort almost straight away, firing back with the same spark of anger. His eyes flash with something dangerous.

"You are not here to be my eye candy. You're here to do whatever the fuck I tell you to do, and you're here to be whatever the fuck I want you to be." He warns, practically growling at you. You're stuck glaring at each other still. You're itching to escape from being pinned so uncomfortably, sending scowls up at him. "When I say bark, you'll fucking bark. Like a good pet. And when I say sit, what is it exactly that you think you'll do, pet?"

"I'd rather not." You say through your gritted teeth, even though it hurts your jaw to do so. PET? So, you really are just here for his amusement.

"I do not care for what you'd rather do." His tone is steady and authoritative. It - he - is scaring you.

You shake your head - dropping it so you don't have to feel his burning look anymore.

He frees your wrists to return to the data-pad. You roll your eyes, wandering over to the middle of the fighting mats. You've given up. Underwear it is. At least you have a bra this time.

Kylo heads toward the batons that you didn't use last time, taking them from their case and bringing them over toward you. He holds one out like he expects you to take it, but you just stand with your arms crossed in defiance.

DEFIANT • kylo ren (18+)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora