07 - Yes.

715 20 1

When you open your eyes, Kylo Ren is at your door - those absent brooding eyes look straight through you. It's like you don't matter. But you know this isn't the case, or he wouldn't be here right now.

You do nothing, only return his look and remain in the safety of the bed. He's in his full robes, balancing his helmet - that despicable helmet - between his body and wrist.

"Get up." Kylo's familiar low rumbling words sound through your room. Until now, this place had been safe. Now, he's infecting it with his voice, his existence. The bed had been soothing your injuries.

"No." A sullen expression washes over your face, you haven't even woken properly and he's already ordering you around like a dog.

"No?" His eyebrow cocks ever so slightly, after last night he's surprised you're disobeying him. You're surprised he hadn't expected you to. Your flare of disobedience has been obvious in every interaction you've had.

"No." You reaffirm, your legs under the cover are curled up. God you hope he won't come in. You hope he won't touch you. You don't need your ribs and stomach any further bruised. You looked at them in the mirror earlier... the clouded black and blue across your torso is the ugliest you've ever seen your body. Fading yellow ones on your arms from the fighting. Darker marks around your throat. Not to mention the cuts on your face and lip. The red marks and bruises on your hips and ass... though some twisted part of you couldn't help but like those.

You catch a humourless chuckle under his breath, watching - completely on edge - as he looks over his shoulder. When his face returns it's tense, his jaw locking.

"Now." Gods, that deep voice is really so sexy. Sexy and commanding. Alarm bells are ringing through you, warning you to do as he says. "Don't make me regret being so forgiving."

You sit up at this, scoffing. "That was forgiving?" You're exasperated at his constant and unapologetic dominance.

He doesn't answer. He doesn't even flinch. "Get up."

"Fuck you." You're turning over now, pulling the cover over your head.

He says your name with bottled anger, a threatening undertone lacing the simple word.

Fear pricks at the back of your neck. You shift slowly to sit back up, facing him, apprehension keeping your body stiff.

You're staring at him now, and he's staring right back at you. A face off. Neither one of you backs down, the heated tension growing with every second you don't do as he says.

Your throat constricts as he so casually approaches you, crossing the barrier and invading your space. Tugging on the magnetic pull between you. He's at the edge of the bed now.

His hair seems darker, his eyes seem harsher, today he's different in your mind. It could be that you're seeing him in his usual uniform, the one he seems so ...evil in. At least without the helmet you feel like he's not an unfeeling droid of sorts.

Kylo reaches for your face, and you can't help but flinch - panicking that he's still angry about last night. But he only holds it, carefully cupping the side of your head, with his thumb on your cheek. You're stiff, deeply confused as to why he's holding your face... and holding it so gentle.

"I have to leave, you will be alone for a few days." That smooth tone of his voice is back again. It's less ragged as it travels like silk through your ear canal. "You will train while I am away, I expect to see an improvement." The light touch of his hand on your head is throwing you off completely, you find yourself wanting to do everything he's telling you. You don't want to let him down.

DEFIANT • kylo ren (18+)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora