I brought you my bullets (25)

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Breakfast was nice. We quickly ate and then headed back to Donna's house. We entered the house and seen Frank, Ray, and Mikey all sitting at the table. "Hey Mike." I said and went behind him, rubbing his shoulders. "Hey hey." Mikey waved. I sat down on the floor by the kitchen table. Just like I used to. The table gets taken up by all the boys. "Morning guys." Alicia walked downstairs. "Hey my girl. How did you sleep?" I looked at her as she sat next to me. "Decent." She shrugged. "Just decent. Wowww." Mikey said to her. "Yeah cause you move to much." She shrugged and stood up. I just laughed. One thing about Alicia Simmons, is she doesn't give a fuck. She tells it how it is with no care. "How did your guys morning go together?" Alicia asked me as I walked over to her in the kitchen area. "It went good, I'm glad I am talking to him again." I smiled. "Ooo." She said to me, then laughed. "He's nice." I said and sat on the counter. "He's been nice." She said and leaned against the other counter. "I know I know. I guess he fucked me over before so I've just been hesitant." I said to her. "Which is fair." She started pouring herself a glass of apple juice. "I'm not nervous anymore." I said to her. "Let me ask the important questions." She paused for a minute. "What changed?" She started again. "He's, amazing. I feel like I learn something about him everyday. Or the way he's gentle. He seems so, solid. Like nothing can get through his personality. But he's so gentle. And I mean he's obviously beautiful." I smiled and looked down. "Mhm." She laughed. Gerard walked over and stood in between my legs. "Hi." He smiled. "Hi Gee." I smiled too. "I'm tired." He leaned his head on me. "Go to bed then." I laughed and ran my hand in his hair. "Come with me." He said to me. "Sorry Gee, no can do. I'm hanging out with Jamia and Alicia today." I kissed his forehead. "Mm ok fine." He laughed. "I'm gonna head to bed alright sugar? I'll see ya when you get home k?" He kissed my forehead. "I'll see ya." I smiled. He walked into the basement and shut the door.

I walked in the house after getting my nails down and going to lunch with the girls. Everyone was on the couch but Gerard. "Hey guys wheres Gee?" I said and walked over. "In his cave downstairs." Ray laughed. "Still taking his nap." Frank laughed too, kissing Jamia's forehead. "I'm gonna go get him." I laughed and walked downstairs. He was asleep still. I walked over and cuddled up on top of him. "Morning Gee Way." I said as he woke up. "How was your girls day?" He said sleepily and wrapped his arm around me. "It was good. How did you sleep."
I laughed. "Great." He kissed my forehead. Kiss me. I want to kiss you. I leaned in slightly. Kissing him now. "Oh hi." He smiled softly. This was the first time I had kissed him since we started talking again. "Hi." I said and laid my head against his chest. I have never found myself feeling this way with anyone else. "Wanna wake up yet?" I laughed. "Mm sure." He sat up. "Good." I got off his bed. "What are we gonna do for the rest of the day?" He asked me. "What do you want to do for the rest of the day?" I asked him. "Nothing, just relax." He got off his bed and stretched. "Sounds like a plan." I wrapped my arms around his waist kissing his shoulder. "I'm gonna change clothes I'll meet you out there." He kissed me. "Got it." I responded and walked out.

I walked out of the basement. "Is he coming out yet?" Frank asked me. "Yeah he's on his way up. He's getting dressed." I responded. "Well good cause we have a show later tonight. I got us a small gig." Frank said to me. "Oh shit he probably doesn't even remember." Mikey stood up. "I'll go tell him." He then added. A few moments later Mikey and Gerard both came up. Gerard wearing a suit, I assume stage outfit of some sort. "Dressed for the part Gee." Frank tapped his back. "Yeah." Gerard smiled. "I gotta head to my place to get ready, just throw on a new outfit." Frank said and headed to the door. "I'll go with. I'll see you guys at the show tonight." Jamia waved and walked out. "I'm going to go do my hair. And change out of pajamas." Mikey said and walked upstairs. "That's my cue to follow behind." Alicia laughed and followed. "And then there was 2." Gerard laughed and sat at the table. "Seems like it." I sat across from him. "Are you coming to my show tonight? Like any good girlfriend would?" He stood up and went to make coffee. "Girlfriend?" I looked at him. "Well that's what you are correct?" He responded. "I told my mom I would spend dinner with her tonight, but I think I can change the date around." I got up and stood next to him in the kitchen. "Perfect."
He leaned down and kissed my head.

A few hours later we pulled into the gig, all of us squished into Frankie's small car. Once we got out I headed inside with all the guys, Alicia, and Jamia. It was in fact a small venue. It was at a bar. But nonetheless it was something for them to do. "Ok you guys are on in 3." Their record producer walked out from around the corner. "Thanks." Gerard gave him a thumbs up and took a sip from his flask. "Alright we gotta head out there, wish me luck." Gerard leaned to me kissing me, the taste of alcohol on his lips was extremely potent. Then slowly pulling away and heading out. I watched as he bounced around the stage area. They was a major part of his stage performance that felt aggressive. As if all the built up rage that he had just fell out when he was on stage. The people in the small ish crowd, probably 50-100 people all loved it. He never spoke the bands name on that stage not once. I suppose he liked to keep them wondering. But he went on to hand out several CDs of their album to random people. For completely free.
The monumental album
I brought you my bullets, you brought me your love.

Blood Within Myself//Gerard Way Where stories live. Discover now