Please Ellie ? (15)

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"Ellie!! Wake upppp." Mikey shook me awake. I still sleep in Mikey's room sometimes. Depends on my mood. I know I'm dating Gee, but Mikey is my best friend and sometimes I wanna have sleepovers with Mikey instead. "Hm?" I opened my eyes and looked at him. "We gotta go help Frank set up for the party he's having tonight. Last party at Frank's house." Mikey said and sat on the bed. Frank throws killer ass parties, and always has. Sad to graduate and miss it. "I know you are a bit traumatized from the last party but this one is fun so just come help set up." Mikey said to me. "Ok fine Mikey." I laughed and sat up. I then grabbed my bag of clothes and went into the bathroom to change. "Hi honey." Gerard smiled as I walked out of the bathroom. "Hi." I smiled. "I missed you last night." He smirked slightly and wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing me. "Well she didn't miss you she was with me." Mikey rolled his eyes and walked next to us. "She did miss me." Gerard kissed my cheek. "I missed you, but I like hanging out with Mikey." I smiled and started waking downstairs. "Just date Mikey at this point." Gerard said exaggerating and then laughed. "She will." Mikey laughed. "You better not Michael or I will beat your fucking ass." Gerard pointed at him. "Calm down girls you are both pretty." I said and got to the bottom of the steps. "But I'm prettier." Gerard winked. "Shut up." Mikey said to him. "What are you guys arguing about?" Donna said as we got down the stairs. "The fact that Mikey likes my girlfriend." Gerard rolled his eyes. Donna just laughed.

We drove over to Frank's house to help him set up. "Hey girly!" Frank said and hugged me, lifting me up slightly. "Hey Frankie." I smiled. "Gerarddd." Frank winked at him. "Hi Frank." Gerard rolled his eyes. "You know you love me." Frank said teasing him. "Hi guys." Ray walked over. "What do we still need for the party?" I asked Frankie. "Drinks, that's about it." He shrugged. "Me and Gee can go grab drinks." I said to him. "How?" Gerard laughed. "My aunt owns the store down town she will just let us take stuff from the back." I shrugged. "Got it. Let's go sugar, we can stop and grab lunch." He kissed my cheek. "Wait we can't get lunch?" Frank looked at him. "I'll grab you guys stuff." Gerard laughed.

We went to get food and then got back and continued setting up. Shortly after the party started. Everyone was dancing, drinking, etc, me and Mikey were sitting on the couch. "Is my brother gonna stay with you?" Mikey looked at me. "Huh? Of course we have plans to go to NYC Mikes." I laughed. "Oh yeah.. I just overheard something. I'm sure it's nothing." Mikey shrugged. "What?" I looked at him. "It's nothing, forget I said anything." He looked down, he was visibly upset. "Mikey tell me." I rubbed his back. "I was helping Gee and Frank put up the banner over there, and Gerard was talking to Frankie, and he said that he was thinking about breaking up with you because he wants you to go to California to pursue your career, and long distance is to hard. And Frank told him to do what's best for him. So I think he might." Mikey was crying now. "What..? But we decided to work past it." I was so upset. "I know and I said that but he told me to stay out of it." Mikey said. "Don't cry Mikes look at me." I said and Mikey looked over at me. "Even if something happens, I'll still be your older sister. I will always, I mean always be there." I kissed his forehead. "But you guys were supposed to get married Ellie. You were supposed to really be my sister." Mikey looked at me. His sad eyes, god I feel horrible. "Maybe nothing will happen Mikey, let me go talk to him okay." I smiled, just trying to fix the mood. "Gee let's go talk." I walked behind Gerard. "Huh?" A very drunk Gerard responded. "Let's go talk outside." I said to him. "Ok honey." He smiled and kissed me, I dodged the kiss and walked ahead of him. "What's wrong sugar?" He asked me. "You are gonna break up with me?" I looked at him. "Mikey fucking told me Gee." I was crying now. "Babe listen." That sobered him up quick. "No stop, just stop." I said sobbing. "No baby please let's talk." He said and grabbed my arm. "No don't touch me." I pushed his arms away. "No please Ellie please." He was crying. "Why are you crying? You were gonna break up with me." I said to him. "I'm sorry. Listen I just want the best for you." He said to me. "Just stop okay? Stop." I said crying. "Aw, poor baby. Getting broken up with." Amber said laughing. "Shut up Amber okay? Let us figure our own shit out." Gerard sighed. "You could figure me out." She walked up to him rubbing all over him. "Get off of me Amber." He shoved her. "Don't shove her." Ambers what I assume was friend walked over. "Just stop, okay everyone stop." Gerard said. I took this as an opportunity to walk away and go ask someone for a ride. "Hey Ray, can you drive me home." I was still crying. "What's wrong?" Ray looked at me. "Me and Gee are done." I said crying. "He did it?" Frank said. "Oh stop Frank. Just stop. You have a part to play in this." I said sobbing. "Ellie, no stop." Frank said to me. "You stop. It's partially your fault Frankie. Why would you say that. You know how much I love him." I said to him. "Ellie listen to me, please Ellie. I didn't want him to hurt you it's just-" I cut him off. "Stop." I grabbed Ray's hand and walked to Mikey. "I'm sorry Mikey. If you need me. Please. Call me. Don't hesitate. I am always, always, always there. So call me." I smiled and kissed his head. "No please don't tell me.." he said to me. I just nodded. "Take me home please." He looked at me. "I will." I smiled. We took Mikey home and I cried the whole night.

I woke up the next morning to several missed calls from Gerard, and my mom calling me downstairs. When I wandered downstairs Gerard was there.
"Talk to me please." He grabbed my hands. "No." I responded. "Please?.. sugar?" He looked at me. "Fine." I shrugged.

"Ok Ellie listen.." Gerard started


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