Totally awkward (1)

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"So, Eleanor how has school been for you? I know for Gerard and Mikey it's been kinda tough." Donna said as she picked up food on her fork. Donna is a total sweetheart. "It's okay, it's sorta tough but it's fine." I shrugged. "Donna she's actually doing pretty good, all A's besides one B." My mom smiled. "Always bragging about her dumb ass grades." Ethan rolled his eyes. "Language." My mom turned her head at my brother. "Sorry." Ethan whispered under his breath. "That's great Sandy! Maybe you and the boys can hang out soon and figure out school together." Donna smiled. "I wouldn't mind." Mikey smiled. "How do you feel about it Gerard?" Donna looked at her other son. Gerard just shrugged. God I don't want to hang out with Gerard, Mikey's okay, but Gerard..? "Then let's set up a day!" My mom smiled and rubbed my back. "You think that's a bright idea don't you?" My brother laughed. "Well you can go to if you like." Donna smiled. "I'm good thanks though." My brother put his plate in the sink and went upstairs. Thanks for being on my side asshole, you always put me in bad situations don't you. "Well how about next weekend? You guys can hang out after school, is that good?" My mom asked. "That sounds great Sandy." Mikey said and smiled trying to ease the tension. "Is that good with you honey?" My mom smiled and tapped Gerard's shoulder. "Yep." He put on a fake smile and then stood up. "Mom I gotta be at Ray's house  in a few minutes." Ray Toro, he's really cool. He hangs with Gerard. He also hangs out with me and my friends sometimes. He doesn't do much. But he's great. He looked at his wrist watch. "Oh you're right, well we better get going before Mrs. Toro starts wondering where we are. See ya Sandy." Donna gave my mom a hug and walked out the door.

That night I heard a knock on my window, Jesus who is sneaking to my house at 1 am? Just as I guessed, My best friend. Amber Healy, I've known her since I was 5. Amber Healy knows everything about me, I trust her with my life. Her parents moved here when she was 2, but the rest of their family is out around London or something. It's super cool. I've talked to her cousin Matthew a few times. "So how did dinner with Gee and Mikey go?" She sat on my bed. I forgot her and Gerard are "friends", fuck my life. Well they are friends, but they also fuck around sometimes. "It went fine." I shrugged. "Your moms still on you about hanging out with Gee?" She laughed. Worse than ever. "Yeah pretty much, when has she not been?" I laughed. "She always talks to me and tells me that he's a, quote, cute boy, and I should like nice boys like him." I said and laid down on my bed. "Well he is, and I'm totally a fan of you guys together." She winked at me. "God that's disgusting." I said and shivered. "No it's not, he's a cutie." She teased. "You are absolutely disgusting." I said to her and stood up. "I don't like Gerard and I never have for gods sake." I said to her. "Oh you totally liked him in 2nd grade you lying cunt." She laughed. "No i didn't!" I said to her and laughed.
"Oh you don't remember?" She looked at me, "you told me you liked him!" She smiled.

4th grade:
"Hi Gerard." Eleanor smiled over at Gerard. "Hi Ellie!" Gerard ran over to Ellie smiling. "Ellie?" Eleanor asked him, confused. "It's a nickname, your name is to long." He giggled. "Well your name is to long too." Eleanor looked at Gerard and smiled. "Thats okay." He shrugged. "Gerard if we don't get married to someone when we are 16 in the future, do you wanna get married to me?" Ellie said smiling. "Yeah! Mhm! That will work. And it will be a crazy wedding. We can listen to rock music and David Bowie!!" Gerard smiled. "No, Fleetwood Mac." Ellie looked at Gerard. "My mom listens to Fleetwood Mac." Ellie smiled. "Ok, well, Fleetwood Mac." Gerard responded. "Good." Ellie kissed Gerard's cheek. The rest of the day Eleanor, who is now Ellie, told everyone about her and Gerard's wedding.

"Ok fine, maybe I liked him when we were younger but so what? I mean we are grown now, who cares?" I laughed. "I do! Elementary school love never dies." Amber teased. Amber Healy has always believed in "sandbox" style love. Where no matter what if you once loved someone you always will, even if it was elementary school. "You are a dumb ass." I laughed. "Maybe, but I gotta go okay? Love you." She said while crawling back out my window. "Got it." I smiled. I laid down in my bed that night and thought about it. Me and Gerard were close, but who cares? People grow, and people grow apart. His brother Mikey was in my friend group, but we weren't super close. I would consider Mikey (Michael) Way to be more of my friend. Mikey was a loser too, but he was a cool loser, and he was really good at Mario kart, honestly insane at Mario kart. I fell asleep that night while thinking, and my mom woke me up the next morning with the annual. "Get up and walk to school." Speech. "Ok ok I'm getting up god." I said and got up to put my clothes on. I got ready and started walking to school. "Hey Ellie!" I heard a voice behind me. "Oh hey Mikey.." I said. He's talking to me? "Wanna ride with me and Gee?" He asked me. "I'm good thanks." I smiled. "You sure? There's room in the car. You might have to squish in a seat with Ray but you can ride with us." Mikey smiled. "Ok ok fine." I laughed. I rode to school with them. I talked to Ray the whole time. Just about random stuff. It was sorta awkward though. Gee was driving and kept exchanging awkward glances with me.
And I have to spend more time with him after school, totally awkward.

Blood Within Myself//Gerard Way जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें