Chapter 4: I'm Gonna Love You

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We arrived at my house in the evening, and I suddenly felt a mix of nerves and excitement. I had just invited Porsha into my own home for a duet. The thought of it sent scenarios racing through my mind, some exaggerated and some all too realistic.

Scene 1:

I introduced her to my parents, who surprisingly gave me their blessing. Confusion swirled in my head.

Scene 2:

As we entered my room, I panicked over its messy state. But then, as I started playing the guitar, Porsha's eyes lit up, and we bonded over the music. Somehow, that led to us getting married and starting a family. And then, AND THEN.



"YN? Are you okay? You're- Oh my god!" Porsha's alarmed voice broke through my thoughts.

Narrator: And thus, YN LN turned into a puddle of nervousness, vowing to never overthink again and hold a guitar again.


"Wait, wait, wait, wait. Get up, what's wrong?" Porsha's concerned face hovered over me. And so, the reality remained, and my overactive imagination was put back in its place.

"I-It's nothing," I stammered, trying to compose myself. "C-Come on in!" With a warm smile, I opened the door for her to enter first. However, my attempt at a composed demeanor was quickly shattered as my sister, who was in the living room, noticed Porsha's arrival.


My sister's exclamation echoed through the house, causing my cheeks to flush bright red. My mom emerged with a cooking apron on, while my dad made a theatrical entrance by moonwalking into the living room.

"Oh! It's the real Porsha! Nice to meet you," my mother smiled, while my dad asked, "What brings you here?" My sister nodded in agreement. Just then, I noticed her evil grin, "I was invited by your son to come here," Porsha replied.

My dad raised an eyebrow and looked at me, "Invited, huh? That's quite the surprise," he said with a sly grin. My sister joined in, wiggling her eyebrows at me. I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks.

"Yeah, just a friendly duet," I stammered, trying to downplay the situation.

"Of course, dear. Friendly duets always lead to inviting famous singers into our home," my mom chimed in, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

Porsha leaned in, her voice dripping with mischief, "Oh, you know, YN and I are just making beautiful music 'together'."

I choked on air, realizing how her innocent words sounded way more scandalous. My family burst into laughter, and I couldn't help but cover my face. "Well, YN, it's lovely to have you and your friend over," my mom said, still chuckling.

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