Her Majesty

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A/N: You'll know when the photo is.

"You WHAT?!?" Astrid exclaimed

"I don't know either, but I hear them." Burn sighed

I'm sorry.

"What?! Stop saying that!" Burn demanded

Suddenly, Dusk dove downward and rushed into a swarm of dragons, Toothless followed behind. They kept up with the group, each dragon was carrying a piece of food.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know. Burn can you-"

"On it."

What is happening?

Her Majesty is calling us. We mustn't resist.

Who is her majesty? Who is calling you.

Our Queen.

You have a Queen?!?

We bring her all the food we can scavenge, lest we be eaten ourselves. 

That's... that's horrible. 

It is the price we pay for existence.

"Newsflash! The dragons have an evil tyrant queen who eats them if they don't bring her sufficient food." Burn explained.

"What?!? Get me off of this thing!" But they were already arriving at the nest.

"All this stuff... this is what they take from Berk." Hiccup noticed. "Toothless, get us out."

"He can't. The queen has some sort of super persuasiveness. Sorta like mind control, but easier to fight."

"We can't stay here." Astrid fretted.

They entered the volcano. Inside was filled with a reddish glow, and hundreds upon hundreds of dragons. 

"What my dad wouldn't give to find this..." Hiccup realized.

"Why are they... dumping it?" Astrid asked.

"It's for the queen, not them. They're lucky to get scraps." 

A lone Gronkle buzzed over the hole and dropped in its singular fish. But the queen wasn't pleased. Her head came roaring out of the crevice and ate the Gronkle in a single bite. The cavern descended into chaos. The queen lunged for them. They were too fast. They shot out of the volcano and into the night sky. Shaken to their bones.

"I can't believe that the dragons haven't even been eating our food this hole time!" Hiccup complained.

"It totally makes sense. It's like a giant beehive. They're the workers and, like Burn said, that's their queen. It controls them. Let's get Stoick."

"Astrid. How would we explain?" Burn asked, grabbing Astrid's arm.

"W-we would tell the truth."

"And have our dragons killed." Hiccup reminded.

"We don't have time! Hiccup! In less than 24 hours you're gonna have to kill a dragon!" Astrid reminded. "And we just discovered the thing that Vikings have been searching for for seven generations, and now we have to keep it a secret. Do you know what comes with secrets!?!"

"Uh-" Hiccup began.

"Lies Hiccup, that's what. You too Burn! You have to agree with me!"

"If we tell them about the nest they'll get themselves killed. No Viking can take on that dragon." Astrid bit her lip.

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