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"Today is all about Teamwork. Now a wet r

Dragon head can't light its fire. The Hideous Zippleback is extra tricky. One head breaths gas, the other head lights it. Your job is to know which is which. 

Astrid and Burn were of course paired together, so when they saw the Zippleback, they were ready.

"Astrid, taunt it!" Following the plan, Astrid ran up to the dragon and began to yell loudly, one head began to spew a bit more gas,

"There, Burn!" Easily enough, Burn doused the sparking head, but now they were just surrounded in flammable gas and a dragon that can't light it. As the gas cleared, Hiccup did something miraculous, and forced the dragon back into its cave. Crys from the dragon about eels gave away what he had done, to Burn, at least.

"Excellent job! It looks like the winner duo has become a trio. I believe we might have to catch another Monstrous Nightmare!"

"Okay, so, are we done, 'cause I've got something's I need to... uh... yup!" Hiccup ran off. I went ahead without him and spent the day fishing in the pond with the dragons, so when hiccup arrived with a saddle not just for Toothless, but for Dusk, I was ecstatic. Once again leaving Hiccup to struggle on his own, I easily slipped the saddle onto dusk, which fit like a glove.

"Woah. Hiccup... this is amazing!" I turned to look at him but saw he was in the pond again.

Ignoring Hiccup, I mounted Dusk.

"You ready, Dusk?"

I was born ready.

Dusk took off into the sky bursting through the clouds to a layer of pure blue, we dove back down to the sea stacks, weaving in between and under and over, we were flying. Together.

For another week this continued, Hiccup trying failed tail after failed tail while Dusk and Burn tailed behind, and each day in dragon training, something would be put to use, but that doesn't mean that Astrid and Burn ever lost. Each time he used dragon nip on a Gronkle, they'd have been the ones to make it safe for him to approach. Whether Astrid liked it or not, their duo was a Trio. Only with the Terrible Terror did he win on his own, but thats not much worse than a large rodent. Hiccup was becoming popular, but Burn worried what his popularity would cost him. Burn could kill a dragon. Hiccup couldn't. Over time, however, popularity started to go to Hiccup's head.

Astrid slammed her cup down onto the table.

"I know. I'll talk to him." Burn said, a worried look on her face.

"It's not that he's doing well, it's that he hasn't worked hard to get where he is! We've worked for this our whole lives, even when your life was living hell you still put effort in!" Astrid argued.

One day, Burn was walking toward the Cove, when she passed by Astrid practicing.

"Umm... hey, please don't kill me?" Burn asked, raising her hands in the air.

"Burn." Astrid said with a smile as she lowered her Axe. They talked for a while before Burn made up an excuse to go see Dusk. Only, when Hiccup passed by shortly after, Astrid followed him, or, tried to. Hiccup was finally getting somewhere with Toothless' tail, and Burn was getting better at flying every day. One day, Hiccup's Tether go stuck, and he had to sneak Toothless to the forge.

"Hiccup, you know I hate the forge, why did you have to drag me along too?"

"Because you're better with excuses!"

"Hiccup? Are you in there?" Burn went through the window to distract her.

"Hiccup, yeah, he's busy though."

Light a Match (Astrid x Fem)Where stories live. Discover now