"Scared of the monsters?" I teased.

"No," he said, rolling his eyes. "It's comforting, okay? I've slept in this room my whole life, so I've had the nightlight since I was a toddler."

"You'd be a cute toddler," I said thoughtfully.

"Thanks. By the way, you did really well at dinner. That story," he said shyly.

"Wasn't that far from the truth. I think. I mean, we were at the bar and it was kind of love at first sight," I said with a shrug.

"Drunk love," he muttered, sounding disappointed in himself. "Not the same thing at all."

"Well, that's the story we have to run with if we're going to make this work," I sighed.

Grayson nodded, his eyes weary. "Right. Goodnight, Jackie. Wake me up if you need anything, okay?"

"Night, Grayson," I said, lying down and facing the wall. Except then I got curious and shifted so I could look at the sky again. Normally, I'd never sleep on my back, but skylight. It was a bit of soul-repairing to look up at twinkling stars in a cozy bed.

"I don't think I'm going to be able to do this," Grayson said in a low voice, scaring me half to death. I hadn't realized he was still awake.

"Do what?" I asked softly, my heart still racing.

His next words made my body go rigid. "Stay away from you when you're my literal wife."

"Stay away from me how?" I asked, not tearing my gaze from the sky. I didn't dare to assume what he meant. Surely...

"Like I should've stayed away from you last night."

I gasped and immediately snatched my pillow, smacking him directly in the face with it. "Grayson!" Although I had to admit, it was like being plunged in cold water, to realize that the dreaded act of marriage had only been committed last night.

"It's the truth, Jackie, come on, we both know we're obsessed with each other," he argued, propping up his head by leaning on his elbow.

"Well I'm not!" I was lying again. Grayson was...attractive, to say the least. The hottest man I've ever met, to say the most. I couldn't help but want him in every single way, except the smart part of me was constantly working towards the endgame: get Grayson his company, and get out of here. But oh, how I desperately wished I could remember some of the less innocent moments from last night. If only I'd been lucky enough to remember the tase of his lips, the feeling of his hands in my hair, the rush of adrenaline that came with every blissful touch.

"Sure you're not," he said, his smirk visible thanks to the nightlight.

"I refuse to have this conversation," I said crossly, annoyed that my brain wasn't cooperating with, well, being smart. "Goodnight!"

He shrugged. "Goodnight."

Frustrated with him, I rolled back onto my side so I wouldn't have to face him. Thankfully, the coziness of the bed put me straight to sleep, and I slept so hard I had to be shaken awake.

"What?" I grumbled, still in a bad mood from our talk.

"Jackie, wake up, we've got to get to breakfast in an hour," Grayson said urgently.

I heard him sigh and his footsteps walked away. Except I was no longer tired, so I just happily laid in my floof fort for a while, staring at the square of blue sky above me. Maybe today would be terrible. Actually, I was already suspecting that it would be terrible, but for now I had this lovely place to forget my troubles. This heavenly cloud to lie on, to dream of better days that weren't filled with someone so annoyingly handsome.

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