Roman knew her cold words were directed towards him because she was hurt. Isabella and him were a lot more alike than they'd like to admit. Both guarded. They lashed out when they were hurt. Lack of communication was their biggest flaw. They were forced to be people they weren't for their father's approval. They often found themselves in the center of the chaos, failing one way or another. Still, they did not lean on one another.

"Don't you have a husband to prepare for?" The words were out of his mouth before he could determine if he wished to have that hang between them at the moment. His eyes fell to the book in the middle of them, taking note the cover said 'A Proper Housewife'. As soon as he said it, he had a nasty taste in his mouth. He knew more than anyone that the forced engagement, an unfair treaty uniting the Belluci and Berkshire clans, was devastating for the pawn. "I'm-"

"Don't. We both know you meant it. It's true, anyways. You'll be surprised to hear that I don't typically read books such as this one. Taking the book in her hands once more, she looked to the pond, admiring the tinkling that the sun offered the crystal blue water. "He can't force me to marry." Even her words knew better than that. When it came to the head of the Berkshire family, one simply couldn't just say no to home.

"You'd be surprised at the things he could do." Roman spoke softly, distracted by the dance the coy fish shared. After a second, he turned to her just as she turned to him.

"I can't do it." The last time she sounded vulnerable must have been when she was 8 and scraped her knee. Until now. She wouldn't shed a tear, but she couldn't hide the crack in her voice. A look of fear and desperation clouded her eyes. Those green eyes bored into Roman's, seemingly looking for an answer to her problem.

"If I could do it, you can, Izzy." He wanted to be cold. He didn't want to show her mercy. When he was forced into his own marriage, besides Scarlette, he felt alone. No support. No peace. No one to speak up for him. Not even his mother. Like a bone, he was thrown to the wolves and expected to survive. So, why did he feel like he had to be the person he hadn't had when his own time came? The memory of the amount of sadness that hung above him through his entire marriage reminded him that, no matter how angry he still was, he didn't want anyone, especially his sisters, to experience the same mental prison. "The man is impossible to get through. Once he has his mind set on something, he won't give it up. Not even if he knew it would end horribly. You know that."

Isabella did not dare look away. For the first time in years, she saw her brother for who he really was, an injured bird. "I know." She said, defeated.

"But-" Roman took his little sister's hand in his own, an action he hadn't done in years, and offered her the only thing he could, "if you want me to stop it, then tell me. I'll figure it out one way or another. Through father or other unspeakable ways." He flashed her a grin to lighten the mood, but as it was, there was no lightening it. She was preparing to sign her life away and there wasn't much he could do without destroying everything. However, he was willing to do it for her. "All you have to do is ask."

Isabella looked at him a second longer, a hint of a tear in the corner of her eyes, then abruptly turned her attention to the squirrel eating a nut, across from them. Slowly, as they stayed completely still, her mind slowed to its normal pace. "Responsibilities are meant to be met. We're Berkshires. With that name, we have responsibilities and requirements we must meet. Sacrificing our lives is a small part of our legacy."

Laughter escaped him suddenly, breaking the peaceful silence that hung in the garden.

"What?!" Izzy tore her hand from his, using her book as a weapon against his head and arms. "Why are you laughing?!"

Ms. Calloway (Book 2 in the For Better Or Worse Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now