Chapter 13

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"It's just a regular shirt, dark blue, with lace or something at the neckline and sleeves. I don't know I'm a nurse. I do patients not fabric."
Matt chuckled.
"The pants are black, comfortable. Shoes are sneakers, also comfortable. They're converse, and tanish."
"You're beautiful." Matt said with a soft smile.
" too."
He slowly extended his arm to her. "Do you mind if I hold your hand?"
"Not at all." She intertwined her fingers with his.
Matt had a look of content on his face as he moved his thumb side to side on her hand.
She's hesitant about something.
"Hey Matt."
He lifted his head to the sound of her voice.
"I really like it but I have to know. Why do you always do that?"
"Do what?"
"I mean every time you hold my hand or touch my shoulder or something you act like its the first time you've felt skin before."

Matt paused for a moment, then proceeded to answer her.

"Well, I can hear your voice, I can smell your shampoo and conditioner and hospital smells, and I can hear your heartbeat, but all of those things can be imagined. So, touching you, feeling your skin or your clothes, or your hair. It's like proof that I'm not just imagining you; that you're real."
Matt could hear her heartbeat now. He knew what each rhythm meant, and this one....
"You want some more proof?"
The corners of his mouth moved upward. "Absolutely."
She pulled him closer and pressed her lips to his.
Matt put one hand on her cheek and the other on her forearm. His fingers sliding gracefully over her skin. It was as if Claire was brail, and Matt was eagerly reading.
"Claire I think we should go."
Her lips were pressed to his neck, and he softly sighed.
"Good idea."
She locked arms with him. Both were wearing warm smiles as they walked out of the apartment.

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