Autumn interrupts my thoughts, "You know, anytime anything Harry related appears in your life, you smile like a giddy little school girl."

I let out a chuckle and shook my head, "I don't know what you are even talking about."

Autumn scoffs while I shrug my shoulders. "Riley, you know I know what your closet looks like and I have stolen all your clothes at least once or more in life. I know Harry's clothes when I see them. You literally just looked at his ratty old shirt and started smiling. You're down so bad it isn't even like you can hide it." Autumn takes her hair out of the clip and pulls down the visor on her side to stare in the small mirror. "It's cute. I love happy you. It's been a while since she was here with us."

Autumn twists her hair again and puts the clip into place.

I look over while she moves on to grabbing lip gloss to smear on her lips before offering it to me. I take the small tube and put a generous glob of the strawberry scented goo on my own lips while Autumn smacks her lips together and uses a pinky finger to touch up the corners of her mouth.

"But, you didn't answer me. I know you're happy with Harry, even if you won't tell me a ton about it. But, are you... are you like, okay with everything else? You said you needed time today to talk and think about things, so tell me about it." Autumn presses on.

She's right. To make my lie believable I made sure to set my alarm so I was awake before her, while Harry stayed the night and we took his car to the house to play into all the lies we were building. Once Autumn woke up she padded out into the kitchen in a sleepy haze only to find her 'oh so troubled roommate' who was consoling themselves over a lukewarm cup of coffee and tired eyes. Autumn was quick to question what was wrong with me and I told her that there was a resurfacing of Luke nightmares mixed with an overwhelming sense of stress that had been weighing on me. I asked Autumn if she wanted to visit home or spend the day together so that we can just pretend real life doesn't exist, and as if she came up with the plan herself, she suggested calling my mom and having a girls day back home.

Downside to the entire plan: I now have to talk about all the things I have been repressing and tell myself I am over.

"I'm fine Autumn. It's more of like... I just needed some time to collect my thoughts." I spy the exit that will lead us to my mom's house and start to merge over so that soon I can get out of the car. I have needed to pee for the last fifteen minutes but refused to get off just to get back onto the highway. "If you say so, but just remember, when you are ready to talk I am here for you."

I give Autumn a reassuring smile at her sentiment and tell her thank you before turning up the volume and singing along while we finish the drive to mom's house.


"MY BABY IS HERE!" I hear mom start yelling the moment the front door is thrown open and Harry's car is in the driveway. I barely put the car in park before mom grabbed the door handle to open it up and grab me into a hug.

 She hasn't changed. Her blonde hair has a few extra highlights, her cheeks are rosy, but mom looked the same as the last time I saw her. It might be one of the few things I can thank life for, everything else is changing, but not her. Mom is my rock.

"Hi mom. I missed you too!" I barely squeak out while she tightens her hug. "'Sup Nance. Love the shirt. You ship us off to school and you take our place as the cutest gal in Gainesville is that it?" Autumn gushes which makes mom laugh and her eyes turn into crinkles.

Autumn always knows the way to make mom happy and I think that might be one of her most endearing qualities. Autumn is protective, but she also has a pure heart of gold that wants everyone around her to be happy at all times.

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