Missed Connections

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[Authors note - I'm probably not going to have much material to work with for this chapter, so apologies if it's short]

[Orion/Alastor POV]

We've got on the boat to go to the Millis continent, and its gone well so far... Except that Eris is incredibly seasick, and I've been relegated to healing her.

Eris - "Hey... Am I... Going to die?"

Orion - "I highly doubt it Eris."

Eventually we make it to dry land and we are resting in a building... Well I say we, but it's just Eris resting.

Eris - "We finally made it. I'll never get on another ship."

Orion - "Depending on what we do we may need to take another one from the Millis continent to the central continent."

Eris - "Will you keep casting healing on me the whole time again when we do?"

Orion - "What happens if I say no?"

Eris - "Why are you being so mean?"

Orion - "I'm joking. Of course I'll heal you."

Eris - "Thank you..."

Orion - "Anyway, I'm getting a weird feeling about this place so I'm going to take a look around. Ruijerd, I trust that you'll protect them?"

Ruijerd - "I will."

Orion - "Thank you. Right I'm off then."

I leave the hut and immediately vanish. Where did I go? Well first some context is in order. On the way to wind port I had used foresight to see into the future. Rudy's future precisely. And found that without my help they would have smuggled Ruijerd and then freed a bunch of beastkin from a slave ring. And that is what I'm going to do... Alone. I'm at the location of the smuggler's den, and I'm going to raid it, and free all the captives.

I dash through the door and kill the guard. Opening the trapdoor I make my way down, blade drawn, mana enhancement flared to 30%. I hear two chumps in a side passage, so I eliminate them with icicles. Going deeper, I reach a gathering area with a handful of people there. I force water into their lungs, enough to make them burst. They keel over, and I continue my way deeper again. I purposefully make my footsteps obvious, and I hear the cries of a child.

Smuggler - "Shut up already, you little shit! I'll kill you!"

That is when I make myself known and all the smugglers outside the cages stand, draw their weapons, and yell.

Smugglers - "Intruder!"

I dash through and kill them all, opening cages and killing any smugglers inside them.

Orion - "It's safe now, they cannot hurt you."

I go to the cage the beastkin children were in, and I look inside. They're all huddled around a yellow haired child on the floor. I can hear her ragged breathing from here. I enter and a grey haired girl hisses at me like a cat.

Orion - "Please calm down, I'm not here to hurt you."

I prove my peacefulness by placing my blade on the floor, shutting off my mana enhancement and slowly approaching.

Orion - "It's all right now, I'm here to get you all out of here."

I get to them and I go to the girl laid on the floor first, and heal her before she runs out of time. she coughs and tries to sit up.

Orion - "Easy there, I've just healed a fatal wound, you shouldn't push yourself."

I then go around healing the rest.

Silver hair dog? girl - "Th-Thank you."

The silver hair cat girl sniffs me.

Orion - "What's up?"

Then I hear a set of footsteps.

Orion - "I'm going to grab my sword. I'll protect you."

I pick up my sword and position myself between the door and the group of children, and a man comes in to my vision. A beastman. All the children run up to him, and I sheath my blade.

Orion - "You're from their tribe?"

Beastman - "What does it matter to you?!"

The cat girl turns to me.

Cat girl - "He saved us. he killed the bad men and healed us."

Beastman - "Is that so?"

Orion - "Indeed. I noticed them being brought in and I waited for there to be as few smugglers in here as possible, to increase the chance that I get them out safely. There is a dog with a magic barrier stopping anyone from getting to it. I can destroy the barrier and escort you all back to your village."

Beastman - "You need not help us further."

Orion - "I want to make sure these kids make it home safe. The leader of this smuggler group is strong, If he finds out and follows... I don't want to think what comes next. So please, let me escort you."

Beastman - "Fine. Let's get the Sacred Beast and go."

We walk to the Sacred Beast's cage and I open it, and destroy the barrier with an icicle, freeing the Sacred Beast. On our way out we encounter an old man.

Beastman - "Father, I've secured the children and the Sacred beast, With the help of this man. He's insisting on escorting us back to the village, apparently the leader of this group is strong."

Old Man - "Very well, we do not have time to waste, lets move."

We walk through the forest, and eventually we reach a village.

Orion - "My job here is done. Be safe."

I go to leave but the old man calls out to me.

Old Man - "It is late, and you must be tired. And I want to know the name of the man who assisted in rescuing members of my tribe. Stay the night at least, Okay?"

Orion - "Alright, Sir. My name is Alastor Greyrat. Thank you for your hospitality."


An Engineer's second chance (Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation x OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن