Chapter 49 - Christmas Miracle

Start from the beginning

When I couldn't tie it, an annoyed huff left my lips.

"Angie, you comin'?" Michael appeared in the closet room. "What are you doing?"

"Trying something new, but I can't reach the back. Can you get it for me?"

He shot me a look, but came to help anyways. "Why are you even wearing these at home? Everyone's already seen you without it..."

His fingers worked fast, like he had already done this.

"Who do you think tied my sister's wraps when we were kids? Certainly not Marlon." he explained before I could even ask, our eyes locking through the mirror.

My husband fixed the wrap just above my ears, so it wouldn't cover them. "Perfect."

"Thank you," I glanced down and blushed. "I look okay, right?"

"How many times do I have to say it until you understand? You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

Those strong arms of his wrapped around my waist as he turned me to face him, hands traveling to my ass, and I shrieked when he squeezed.

"You think they might be able to wait like, 20 minutes...?"

I giggled loudly as he placed small but eager kisses all over my jaw. Because I didn't pull away, he continued.

Maybe they will be patient for another half hour or so...

"Mommy! Daddy!" it was Rose and Jared's turn to knock on our bedroom door.

Michael grabbed one of my cheeks again. "I guess they can't wait. By the way, your butt is still the cutest."

I took his hand and we made our way to our giant living room, where everyone surrounded the Christmas tree.

They were all wearing their PJ's, the kids looking way too impatient.

"Finally!" Blanket rolled his eyes, got up and started looking at the tags, handing out presents as he did.

I took a seat on the couch next to Britney, who seemed way too uncomfortable.

"You okay, Brit?" I whispered in her ear.

"Oh, yeah. It's just your nephew is really weighing me down today." she huffed.

"You sure?"

She was already well into her ninth month, so I was worried.

"I'm sure." she grinned.

"Mommy, this one is for you!" Blanket chirped, handing me a small box.

"Thank you, baby."

My sister-in-law bit her lip, "It's from us."

I ripped it open, my smile widening when I saw a jewelry box. Inside it was a necklace with a pendant that resembled angel wings.

"Turn it around, sis." Luciano said.

On the back, 'Godmother' was etched in dainty letters.

"Aww..." I teared up.

"His name is Angelo Samuel," Britney announced, rubbing her giant stomach. "After his aunt and my dad."

"You named him after me?" I put a hand over my heart, not being able to hold it in anymore.

Both my brother and his wife hugged me tightly.

She then helped me put it on, "It's perfect."

Her eyebrows scrunched and she grabbed my arm tightly.

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