chapter 11.

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It was early morning. 5:30am exactly. I was starting to feel a bit nervous, just like the other night, when i ran into Ashley's room. And i immediately understood what i had to do.

I opened my bedroom's door, slowly cause i did not wanted to wake anybody. I walked until i reached Ashley's room. I opened the door and i entered in her room. I was looking at her while she was sleeping. She was beautiful as always. I smiled and i got under the covers with her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and i fell asleep again. But now it was easier to sleep, cause now i was with her. I was with the girl that i love.

I woke up some hours after. Now it was 8;45am. Ashley woke up too cause she heard the ringing of her alarm. She turned it off and she turned around. Her face was now some inches apart by mine. My arms were still wrapped around her waist. I looked at her while she was slowly opening her eyes.

I smiled at her. She looked confused.
«Morning, gorgeous» She smiled as i called her like that. «Oh goodmorning to you, Nicky.
What are you doing here?» She asked.

«Well, i had trouble to sleep last night, i was.. nervous, so i came into your room, i snuck under the covers, i wrapped my arms around you, and i fell asleep» We both laughed slightly. «Hey, so about the date you talked about yesterday..» She said.

«Well, i dont want to tell you where i want to take you, or i would ruin the surprise» I laughed. «But, wear something not so tight.
It's better if you wear something comfortable»
«Okay, i will do as you say» She smiled softly.

«Hey, stay here, gorgeous, i wanna do something cute for you» I smile and i got up from the bed. I winked at her, and i disappeared from her bedroom for just some minutes.


Oh wow, there's not a better way to start the day. I opened my eyes and i saw Nick laying down right next to me, and his arms were wrapped around my waist. He even called me gorgeous. Yes, i was definitely in love with him. He told me that he wanted to do something cute for me, then he walked out of the room. I smiled and i waited for him. He came back some minutes after. He was holding a cabaret with two glasses of orange juice, and there was plates with pancakes and strawberries.

«Oh wow, breakfast at bed? I definitely love the idea!» I said, smiling and i watched him as he sitted on the bed, placing the cabaret down.
«I'm glad you like the idea of me bringing you breakfast in bed» He laughed slightly and looked at me.

I have to admit it, i would have wanted to kiss him, to finally let him know that i love him.
But then i hold myself back. What if kissing him was wrong? After all, i didn't knew if he felt the same about me.. So i just kept looking at him without saying anything.

«What is this, a staring contest?» He asked.
«Mhmh, maybe» I replied laughing slightly. I looked at him as he got a bit closer to me. «Oh, you want to play dirty huh?» I asked, smirking a little bit.

«Mhmh, maybe» He said, mocking what i just said some seconds before.
«Oh you're even mocking me now?» I said.
He nodded and we kept looking at eachother.

We kept looking at eachother for more seconds, Nick kept getting closer to me.
Our faces were just some inches apart now.

He looked into my eyes, and then he looked at my lips. I noticed it and i smirked slightly.
«You're really good at this game, you know?» I said.  «Oh sure i know it» Nick said, smirking.

We kept looking at eachother for the last seconds, and then, he finally gave up.
His lips were now touching mine. I kissed him back and i wrapped my arms around his neck, while he wrapped his arms around my waist.

He then suddenly backed up, and he looked at me.  «Nick» I said. «Yeah?» He replied, still looking at me.  «Please, do it again.» I said.
He smirked and he leaned in, kissing my lips again. I definitely wanted this moment. I guess we both wanted it. He kept kissing me. Then he made me lie down. He was now on top of me. We kept kissing passionately, then all of a sudden, a voice interrupted the moment.

«Hey Frack, can you please come down and help me to bring this inside?» It was my brother, he always ruins everything. Nick stopped kissing me and he just looked at me.

«I'm not done with you yet, beautiful. We'll talk about this tonight at our date. I promise.» He said as he smiled. He gave me another kiss, but quicker this time. I looked at him while he was stepping outside of my room, and i smiled.

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