chapter 4.

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After some minutes we arrived at my brother, -And also mine from now on- house.

I got out of the car, and a man approached to me, waving. I waved back and he went to the back of the car for taking my bags.

« Where i can put this, lady? » He asked.
I smiled as i heard him calling me lady.
That was a cute nickname.

« Uhm, upstairs, i guess. Thank you! » I replied smiling, as i watched him enter in the house.

My brother got out of the car some minutes after. « Sorry, someone from work called me.
C'mon let's go inside. The boys should be there, i'm gonna introduce you to them. » He said and he stared walking. I followed him and meanwhile i took the opportunity to look at the garden. It was so big and so cool... there were flowers and there was also a big fountain!

« After you, Sis. » Brian laughed a little and opened the door. He moved aside to let me enter in the house. He followed my steps.

« Wow, it's such a beautiful house! » I looked at every detail. I think that it was the biggest house that i ever saw in my entire life.

« Okay, follow me now. » He started walking towards the living room. There were 2 boys sitted on the couch watching a film on the tv, while the 3th was reading a book sitted on a chair. The guy who was reading the book lifted his head up and he saw us. I knew him. He was Kevin, my cousin.

« No way, is that you, Ash? » He said, surprisedly while he got up and came closer to me and to my brother.

« Oh my god, Kev! » I smiled and i hugged him. He was so happy to finally see me again after a lot of years, and i was so happy to see him, of course.

« Wow, you really grown up like a lot.
I remember when you were a little girl and you used to- » I shutted him. I knew what he wanted to say. He wanted to bring back my embrassing moments of when i was a little child. « Kev, please don't. Not now. » I said.
« Alright, sorry. » He laughed.

The boys that were sitted on the couch immediately turned around looking at us. They got up and got closer to us.

« Hey there. Nice to meet you, i'm Aj but you can call me tonight if you want. » He winked at me and he reached out his hand for a handshake. I laughed and i shaked his hand.
He was cool. I especially liked his style, i thought it was pretty nice.

« So Brian, is that your sister? » The other guy asked to my brother. He was cute too.

« Yeah well... i guess that at this point you just figured out yourselves... Guys this is Ashley.
Ashley, those stupid guys are Aj and Howie. »
My brother said.

« Nice to meet you, guys! » I smiled at them and i shaked Howie's hand.

« Wait, there's one guy missing..
Rok, where is the blondie? » Kevin said.
Blondie?? Who was the "blondie"??

« I think he's upstairs, minding his business. » Brian said. « Alright, i'm gonna go call him.
For sure he will like to meet a new girl. » Aj said, winking at me again.

« Stop winking at me, you're starting to get creepy. » I said to him, laughing.
He laughed back and he went upstairs and returned some minutes after.
« He's coming. » Aj said, while coming closer to us again.

« Ok guys, why did you call me? What's so importa- » He looked up at me from the stairs.
I looked at him back. He came close to me as he reached out his hand for a handshake. I shaked his hand and i spoke to him.
« Hey, nice to meet you.
I'm Ashley, Brian's sister. » I smiled at him.

« Nice to meet you too, Ashley.
I'm Nick. » He smiled too and shaked my hand back. I stared at him for some seconds.
He was so beautiful. I couldn't help but look into his beautiful blue eyes and his beautiful blonde hair. Now i know why the boys used to call him "blondie". I was as enchanted, but then suddenly, my brother snapped me back to reality.

« Uhm.. i'm really sorry to interrupt in this way, but now that you have finally meet everyone, i think that it's better if you go upstairs and you sistemate your things, i imagine you have a lot of stuff inside your bags. Oh and also beacuse the boys and i planned to have a party tonight. » Brian said.
Ok, i just arrived in the house and they were already having a party. Great, we started really well. « Yeah, you're right. Well, see you later then guys! » I replied, as they all went back to what they were doing before i arrived.

All except Nick.

He looked at me as i walked up the stairs and went into my new bedroom.

« Do you want a tip? Next time take a picture of her, so the image will last longer. » Aj said to Nick, laughing and noticing that he was staring at me. « Oh shut up, Aj. » Nick replied, while laughing too and blushing a little.

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anyway i really hope you're enjoying the story, and if you have any suggestion or any idea just let me know! <33

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