chapter 9.

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I walked out of my bedroom, and i started to walk quickly to Ashley's room. I knocked and i asked her if i could go inside. As soon as she said yes, I opened the door and rushed into her arms. We both fell on the bed and i hugged her tightly, i did not wanted to let her go. She asked me if i wanted to talk about what happened, but i simply shooked my head and i hugged her again. I really needed it. I really needed a hug. I really needed a hug from her.

«Sorry if i did it without asking you before.» I said, while i looked at her. My arms were still wrapped around her waist.
«You do not have to be sorry about nothing, Nick. It's okay.» She wiped my tears away and she smiled at me softly. Our eyes were locked again. And this was the moment.

This was the moment when i realized i fell in love with her.

«Thank you, Ash. You probably don't know but, you mean so much to me.» I said to her, while i hugged her again. I suddenly felt a hand running through my hair. It was hers of course. She was playing with my hair.

«Do you feel better now?» She asked, looking at me. I nodded. «Yeah, and it's all because of you.» I replied and i looked at her.
She was smiling. «Aww, this is so sweet, Nick.»
«Hey, do you want to talk about it now?» She asked me. «Mhmh, well, honestly there isn't a reason of why i did this. I think i just.. needed it, i just needed to hug someone, i needed to hug you.» She was still looking at me and she was still playing with my hair. «And what about the tears, Nick?» She asked.
«I don't know.. probably all the things that happened to me in the past years, but they come up just now.» I said while i looked back at her.

«Mhm, i see. Listen, i do not even want to ask you what happened, but not because i don't want to know, but just because i don't want you to feel bad, or sad again.» She said, smiling softly at me. «Thank you, you're so comprehensive, and i love...that.» I was so close to tell her that i love her, but i think it was too soon. What if she doesn't love me back?
I completely forgot about my thoughts for a bit, and i kept hugging her. She was still playing with my hair. «You really do love playing with my hair, huh?» I asked giggling a bit. She replied with a laugh, and i took it as a yes.

i'll be the one - nick carterWhere stories live. Discover now