chapter 2.

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5:00 am. The alarm ringed.
I opened my eyes and i turn my head, and i saw the beautiful view of the sun already rising.
I yawned and after some minutes passed in my bed, i decited to get up. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. Afterwards, i went downstairs and went into the kitchen, finding my mom already here.

« Goodmorning!! Did you sleep well? »
She asked me, as soon as she saw me.
She was drinking coffee and reading the newspaper, typical of her.

I looked back at her and i smiled.

« Yes, i slept good, thanks mom. »
I replied, while i kept smiling.
My mom went back to reading the newspaper, while I hurried to get some milk and pour it into my cup, accompanying it with some cereal.

After i had breakfast, i got back into my room and i grabbed my things.

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« Hurry up Ashley, or we are gonna be late!! »
My mom yelled at me from the outside.

« I'm coming, just give me some minutes!! »
It was already 6:15 am, but the airport was 30 minutes away from my house, so I had to hurry up. I looked around for see if i forgot to pick up
something, but my room was completely empty, nothing was there anymore.
I smiled sadly and i got out of my room, closing the door. I went downstairs and went out of the house and i closed the entrance door.
I turned back and i said goodbye to my childhood house, but this goodbye was forever.

I got into the car and after 30 minutes we arrived at the airport. Once we were out of the car we took our bags and we started walking towards the airport. We walked in and noticed it was a little later than the expected, it was 6:45am, so it means that we only had 5 minutes to get to the plane. After several checks we finally managed to get into our plane.

« Wow, we finally made it. » I said to my mom, laughing, after we sitted at our seats.
She replied with a laugh and after she smiled at me.

« I'm so happy that you are finally going to live a better life, honey. I'm sure that you will have so much fun with Brian and with the boys! »
She said, a few minutes after the departure of the plane that was already in the air.

« Yeah, i'm happy too. Is just that i'm gonna miss a lot my friends and our house.. » I looked down, and suddenly a sad expression appeared on my face. My mom took my hand.

« I know, Ash. I perfectly know what you are feeling right now. But as i told you, it's better for everyone. Now don't be sad and think about all of the great things you could do once we arrived at Orlando. And maybe who knows, you will find the love of your life. » She winks at me in a playful way and my expression became happier.
« Oh, c'mon mom. » I laughed back and i blushed a little.

After 4 hours of flight, we arrived.

« Ladies and gentlemen, you're all welcome to Orlando, Forida!!. The team wish for all of you to have lots of fun!» The pilot's voice echoed through most of the plane, while the passengers cheered at the news.

My mom and i looked at eachother smiling, then we got up from our seats and we took our bags. We did the last checks and we got out from the airport.

« Ok.. now i have to call a taxi because you have to go to Brian's and i can't take you there, unfortunately» My mom said.

« Mom, why call a taxi if you can call Brian??
He can pick me up without any problem!! » I said. But suddenly a thought comes into my mind. Why she said "You have to go" ?

« Mom, you're coming with me, right? » I asked to her. She turned around with to me and with sadness, she shook her head left and right. That means "No". She wasn't coming with me.  « So, this means that i have to say goodbye to you. » I said, while a tear rolled down on my face. My mom nodded and took my hand. « Ash, honey, it's not forever. We will still see eachother, not everyday but i promise you i will find the time to come and visit you and your brother." She replied, softly while looking at me. I simply nodded back while i was looking at her, then i wiped my tears and  i hugged her tightly.

« I love you, mom. » I told to her, while i was hugging her.

« I love you too, little Ash. » She replied, kissing my forehead. « Now let me call your brother so he can pick you up. » She smiled softly as she took her little cell phone out of her pocket, composing Brian's number.

« He said that he will arrive in 10 minutes. » She said, while putting her cell phone back in her pocket. I replied nodding and smiling to her, just a simple and small smile. I didn't felt like i wanted to say something at the moment.

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sooo, i really hope you are liking the story <3
i uptade as soon as i can, i just need ideas!
please leave comments cause i need to know what do you think <3

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